Source code for py_pol.jones_matrix

# !/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ------------------------------------
# Authors:    Luis Miguel Sanchez Brea and Jesus del Hoyo
# Date:       2019/01/09 (version 1.0)
# License:    GPL
# -------------------------------------
Jones_matrix objects describe optical polarization elements in the Jones formalism.

**Class fields:**
    * **M**: 2x2xN array containing all the Jones matrices.
    * **name**: Name of the object for print purposes.
    * **shape**: Shape desired for the outputs.
    * **size**: Number of stored Jones matrices.
    * **ndim**: Number of dimensions for representation purposes.
    * **no_rotation**: If True, rotation method do not act upon the object. Useful for objects that shouldn't be rotated as mirrors.
    * **type**: Type of the object ('Jones_matrix'). This is used for determining the object class as using isinstance may throw unexpected results in .ipynb files.
    * **parameters**: parameters of the Jones matrices.
    * **checks**: checks of the Jones matrices.
    * **analysis**: analysis of the Jones matrices.

**Parent methods**
    * **clear**:  Removes data and name form Jones vector.
    * **copy**:  Creates a copy of the Jones_vector object.
    * **stretch**:  Stretches a Jones vector of size 1.
    * **shape_like**:  Takes the shape of another object to use as its own.
    * **reshape**: Changes the shape of the object.
    * **flatten**:  Transforms N-D objects into 1-D objects (0-D if only 1 element).
    * **flip**: Flips the object along some dimensions.
    * **get_list**: Creates a list with single elements.
    * **from_list**: Creates the object from a list of single elements.
    * **concatenate**: Canocatenates several objects into a single one.
    * **draw**: Draws the components of the object.
    * **clear**: Clears the information of the object.

**Generation methods**
    * **from_components**: Creates a Jones_matrix object directly from the 4 elements (m00, m01, m10, m11).
    * **from_matrix**: Creates a Jones_matrix object directly from a 2x2xN numpy arrays.
    * **from_list**: Creates a Jones_matrix object directly from a list of 2x2 numpy arrays.
    * **from_Mueller**: Takes a non-depolarizing Mueller Matrix and converts into Jones matrix.
    * **vacuum**:  Creates the matrix for vacuum.
    * **mirror**: Creates the matrix for a mirror. NOTE: Don't rotate this matrix.
    * **filter_amplifier**: Creates the matrix for a neutral filter or amplifier element
    * **diattenuator_perfect**: Creates a perfect linear diattenuator.
    * **diattenuator_linear**: Creates a real polarizer with perpendicular axes.
    * **diattenuator_retarder_linear**: Creates a linear diattenuator retarder with the same axes for diattenuation and retardance.
    * **diattenuator_charac_angles**: Creates the most general homogeneous diattenuator with orthogonal eigenstates from the characteristic angles of the main eigenstate.
    * **diattenuator_azimuth_ellipticity**: Creates the general homogeneous diattenuator with orthogonal eigenstates from the characteristic angles of the main eigenstate.
    * **quarter_waveplate**: Creates a quarter-waveplate.
    * **half_waveplate**: Creates a half-waveplate.
    * **retarder_linear**: Creates a retarder using delay.
    * **retarder_material**: Creates a retarder using physical properties of a anisotropic material.
    * **retarder_charac_angles**: Creates the most general homogenous retarder with orthogonal eigenstates from the characteristic angles of the main eigenstate.
    * **retarder_azimuth_ellipticity**: Creates the general homogeneous retarder with orthogonal eigenstates from the characteristic angles of the main eigenstate.

**Manipulation methods**
    * **rotate**: Rotates the Jones matrix.
    * **sum**: Calculates the summatory of the Jones matrices in the object.
    * **prod**: Calculates the product of the Jones matrices in the object.
    * **remove_global_phase**: Removes the phase introduced by the optical element (respect to J00).
    * **add_global_phase**: Increases the phase introduced by the optical element.
    * **set_global_phase**: Sets the phase introduced by the optical element.
    * **reciprocal**: The optical element is fliped so the light transverses it in the opposite direction.
    * **transpose**: Transposes the Jones matrix of the element.
    * **hermitan**: Calculates the hermitan matrix of the Jones matrix.
    * **inverse**: Calculates the inverse matrix of the Jones matrix.

**Parameters subclass methods**
    * **matrix**:  Gets a numpy array with all the matrices.
    * **components**: Extracts the four components of the Jones matrix.
    * **inhomogeneity**: Calculates the inhomogeneity parameter.
    * **diattenuation / polarizance**:   Calculates the diattenuation of the matrix.
    * **retardance**: Calculates the retardance (or delay) introduced between the fast and slow axes.
    * **global_phase**: Calculates the phase introduced by the optical element (respect to J00).
    * **transmissions**: Calculates the maximum and minimum field and/or intensity transmissions.
    * **mean_transmission**: Calculates the mean intensity transmission.
    * **eig**: Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenstates (eigenvectors) of the Jones matrices.
    * **eigenvalues**: Calculates the eigenvalues and of the Jones matrices.
    * **eigenstates**: Calculates the eigenstates (eigenvectors) of the Jones matrices.
    * **det**: Calculates the determinant and of the Jones matrices.
    * **trace**: Calculates the trace of the Jones matrices.
    * **norm**: Calculates the norm of the Jones matrices.
    * **get_all**: Returns a dictionary with all the parameters of the object.

**Checks subclass methods**
    * **is_phisycall**: Check if the Jones matrices correspond to physically realizable optical elements.
    * **is_homogeneous**: Determines if the matrices correspond to homogeneous optical elements.
    * **is_retarder**: Checks if the Jones matrices correspond to homogeneous retarders.
    * **is_diattenuator / is_polarizer**: Checks if the Jones matrices correspond to homogeneous diattenuators.
    * **is_symmetric**: Checks if the Jones matrices are symmetric.
    * **is_conjugate_symmetric**: Checks if the Jones matrices are conjugate symmetric.
    * **is_eigenstate**: Checks if a given light state is an eigenstate of the objct.
    * **get_all**: Returns a dictionary with all the checks of the object.

**Analysis subclass methods**
    * **decompose_pure**: Decomposes the Jones matrices in two: an homogeneous retarder and diattenuator.
    * **diattenuator / polarizer**: Analyzes the Jones matrices as if they were diattenuators.
    * **retarder**: Analyzes the Jones matrices as if they were retarders.

from .utils import *
from .py_pol import Py_pol
from .jones_vector import Jones_vector, create_Jones_vectors
from . import degrees, eps, np, num_decimals, um, number_types
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import wraps
from cmath import exp as cexp
import copy as copy
import cmath
import warnings


X_jones = np.diag([1, -1])
N_print_list = 5
print_list_spaces = 3
empty_matrix = np.array(np.zeros((2, 2, 1), dtype=float))
change_names = True
tol_default = eps

# Functions

[docs] def create_Jones_matrices(name='J', N=1, out_object=True): """Function that creates several Jones_matrix objects at the same time from a list of names or a number. Parameters: name (string or list): Name of the object for print purposes. Default: 'J'. N (int): Number of created elements. Default: 1. out_object (bool): If N=1 and out_object is True the output is a Jones_matrix instead of a list. Default: True. Attributes: self.parameters (class): Class containing the measurable parameters of the Jones matrices. self.checks (class): Class containing the methods that check something about the Jones matrices. Returns: J (list or Jones_matrix): Result. """ J = [] if isinstance(name, list) or isinstance(name, tuple): for n in name: J.append(Jones_matrix(n)) else: for _ in range(N): J.append(Jones_matrix(name)) if len(J) == 1 and out_object: J = J[0] return J
[docs] def set_printoptions(N_list=None, list_spaces=None): """Function that modifies the global print options parameters. Parameters: N_list (int): Number of matrices that will be printed as a list if the shape of the object is 1D. Default: None list_spaces (int): Number of spaces between matrices if they are printed as a list. Default: None """ global N_print_list, print_list_spaces if list_spaces is not None: print_list_spaces = list_spaces if N_list is not None: N_print_list = N_list
################################################################################ # Main class ################################################################################
[docs] class Jones_matrix(Py_pol): """Class for Jones matrices. Parameters: M (np.ndarray): 2x2xN array containing all the Jones matrices. name (string): Name of the object for print purposes. shape (tuple or list): Shape desired for the outputs. size (int): Number of stored Jones matrices. ndim (int): Number of dimensions for representation purposes. no_rotation (bool): If True, rotation method do not act upon the object. Useful for objects that shouldn't be rotated as mirrors. type (string): Type of the object ('Jones_matrix'). This is used for determining the object class as using isinstance may throw unexpected results in .ipynb files. Attributes: self.parameters (class): parameters of the Jones matrices. self.checks (class): checks of the Jones matrices. self.analysis (class): analysis of the Jones matrices. """ __array_priority__ = 20000 ############################################################################ # Operations ############################################################################ def __init__(self, name='J'): super().__init__(name=name, _class="Jones_matrix") self.no_rotation = False self.parameters = Parameters_Jones_Matrix(self) self.checks = Checks_Jones_Matrix(self) self.analysis = Analysis_Jones_Matrix(self) def __add__(self, other): """Adds two Jones matrices. Parameters: other (Jones_matrix): 2nd Jones matrix to add. Returns: j3 (Jones_matrix): Result. """ try: if other.type == 'Jones_matrix': j3 = Jones_matrix() j3.M = self.M + other.M j3.shape = take_shape((self, other)) if change_names: = + " + " + return j3 else: raise ValueError('other is {} instead of Jones_matrix.'.format( other.type)) except: raise ValueError('other is not a py_pol object') def __sub__(self, other): """Substracts two Jones matrices. Parameters: other (Jones_matrix): 2nd Jones matrix to substract. Returns: j3 (Jones_matrix): Result. """ try: if other.type == 'Jones_matrix': j3 = Jones_matrix() j3.M = self.M - other.M j3.shape = take_shape((self, other)) if change_names: = + " - " + return j3 else: raise ValueError('other is {} instead of Jones_matrix.'.format( other.type)) except: raise ValueError('other is not a py_pol object') def __mul__(self, other): """ Multiplies the Jones matrix by a number, an array of numbers, a Jones vector or another Jones matrix. Parameters: other (float, numpy.ndarray, Jones_vector or Jones_matrix): 2nd object to multiply. Returns: j3 (Jones_matrix): Result. """ # Easy case, multiply by a number if isinstance(other, number_types): j3 = Jones_matrix() j3.M = self.M * other j3.shape = self.shape if change_names: = + " * " + str(other) # Multiply by an array of numbers elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray): j3 = Jones_matrix() if other.size == self.size or self.size == 1: if self.size == 1: j3.M = np.multiply.outer(self.get_list(), other.flatten()) else: j3.M = np.multiply.outer(np.ones( (2, 2)), other.flatten()) * self.M j3.shape = take_shape((self, other)) else: raise ValueError( 'The number of elements in other and {} is not the same'. format( # Multiply by py_pol objects elif other.type in ('Jones_vector', 'Jones_matrix'): # Prepare variables new_self, new_other = expand_objects([self, other], copy=True) # print(new_self.M.shape, new_other.M.shape) if other.type is 'Jones_vector': j3 = Jones_vector() else: j3 = Jones_matrix() # Multiply Mf = matmul_pypol(new_self.M, new_other.M) # if new_self.size == 1: # Mf = new_self.get_list() @ new_other.get_list() # else: # # Move axes of the variables to allow multiplication # M1 = np.moveaxis(new_self.M, 2, 0) # if other.type is 'Jones_vector': # M2 = np.moveaxis(new_other.M, 1, 0) # M2 = np.expand_dims(M2, 2) # Mf = M1 @ M2 # Mf = np.moveaxis(np.squeeze(Mf), 0, 1) # else: # M2 = np.moveaxis(new_other.M, 2, 0) # Mf = M1 @ M2 # Mf = np.moveaxis(Mf, 0, 2) j3.from_matrix(Mf) j3.shape = take_shape((self, other)) if change_names: = + " * " + else: raise ValueError('other thype ({}) is not correct'.format( type(other))) return j3 def __rmul__(self, other): """Multiplies a Jones matrix object by a number or array. Parameters: other (int, float, numpy.ndarray): 2nd element to multiply. Returns: j3 (Jones_matrix): Result. """ j3 = Jones_matrix() # Easy case, multiply by a number if isinstance(other, number_types): j3.M = self.M * other j3.shape = self.shape if change_names: = + " * " + str(other) # Multiply by an array of numbers elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray): if other.size == self.size or self.size == 1: if self.size == 1: j3.M = np.multiply.outer(self.get_list(), other.flatten()) else: j3.M = np.multiply.outer(np.ones( (2, 2)), other.flatten()) * self.M j3.shape = take_shape((self, other.shape)) else: raise ValueError( 'The number of elements in other and {} is not the same'. format( else: raise ValueError('other thype ({}) is not correct'.format( type(other))) return j3 def __truediv__(self, other): """Divides a Jones matrix by a number or array. Parameters: other (int, float, numpy.ndarray): 2nd element to divide. Returns: j3 (Jones_matrix): Result. """ j3 = Jones_matrix() # Easy case, multiply by a number if isinstance(other, number_types): j3.M = self.M / other j3.shape = self.shape if change_names: = + " / " + str(other) # Multiply by an array of numbers elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray): if other.size == self.size or self.size == 1: if self.size == 1: j3.M = np.multiply.outer(self.get_list(), 1 / other.flatten()) else: j3.M = np.multiply.outer(np.ones( (2, 2)), 1 / other.flatten()) * self.M j3.shape = take_shape((self, other)) else: raise ValueError( 'The number of elements in other and {} is not the same'. format( else: raise ValueError('other thype ({}) is not correct'.format( type(other))) return j3 def __repr__(self): """ Represents the Jones matrix with print(). """ # Extract the components J00, J01, J10, J11 = self.parameters.components() if np.sum(self.M.imag**2)/self.size < tol_default: J00, J01, J10, J11 = J00.real, J01.real, J10.real, J11.real # If the object is empty, say it if self.size == 0 or self.shape is None or np.all(self.M == 0): return '{} is empty\n'.format( # If the object is 0D or 1D, print it like a list or inline # elif self.size == 1 or self.shape is None or len(self.shape) < 2: elif self.ndim <= 1: if self.size <= N_print_list: list = self.get_list(out_number=False) l0_name = "{} = \n".format( l1_name = PrintMatrices(list, print_list_spaces) return l0_name + l1_name else: l0_name = "{} J00 = {}".format(, J00) l1_name = " " * len( + " J01 = {}".format(J01) l2_name = " " * len( + " J10 = {}".format(J10) l3_name = " " * len( + " J11 = {}".format(J11) # Print higher dimensionality as pure arrays else: l0_name = "{} J00 = \n{}".format(, J00) l1_name = "{} J01 = \n{}".format(, J01) l2_name = "{} J10 = \n{}".format(, J10) l3_name = "{} J11 = \n{}".format(, J11) return l0_name + '\n' + l1_name + '\n' + l2_name + '\n' + l3_name + '\n' def __getitem__(self, index): """ Implements object extraction from indices. """ if change_names: E = Jones_matrix( + '_picked') else: E = Jones_matrix( # If the indices are 1D, act upon the matrix directly if isinstance(index, (int, slice)) and self.ndim > 1: E.from_matrix(self.M[:, :, index]) elif isinstance(index, np.ndarray) and index.ndim == 1 and self.ndim > 1: E.from_matrix(self.M[:, :, index]) # If not, act upon the components else: J00, J01, J10, J11 = self.parameters.components(out_number=False) M = np.array([[J00[index], J01[index]], [J10[index], J11[index]]]) E.from_matrix(M) return E def __setitem__(self, index, data): """ Implements object inclusion from indices. """ # Check that data is a correct pypol object if self.type != data.type: raise ValueError('data is type {} instead of {}.'.format( data.type, self.type)) # Change to complex if necessary if np.iscomplexobj(data.M): self.M = np.array(self.M, dtype=complex) # If the indices are 1D, act upon the matrix directly if isinstance(index, int) and self.ndim > 1: self.M[:, :, index] = np.squeeze(data.M) elif isinstance(index, slice) and self.ndim > 1: if data.size == 1: if index.step is None: step = 1 else: step = index.step N = int((index.stop - index.start) / step) data2 = data.stretch(length=N, keep=True) else: data2 = data self.M[:, :, index] = np.squeeze(data2.M) elif isinstance(index, np.ndarray) and index.ndim == 1 and self.ndim > 1: self.M[:, :, index] = data.M # If not, act upon the components else: J00, J01, J10, J11 = self.parameters.components(out_number=False) J00_new, J01_new, J10_new, J11_new = data.parameters.components( out_number=False) J00[index] = np.squeeze(J00_new) J01[index] = np.squeeze(J01_new) J10[index] = np.squeeze(J10_new) J11[index] = np.squeeze(J11_new) self.from_components((J00, J01, J10, J11)) def __eq__(self, other): """ Implements equality operation. """ try: if other.type == 'Jones_matrix': j3 = self - other norm = j3.parameters.norm() cond = norm < tol_default return cond else: return False except: return False ################################################################## # Manipulation ################################################################## # @_actualize_
[docs] def rotate(self, angle=0, keep=False, change_name=change_names): """Rotates a jones_matrix a certain angle: M_rotated = R(-angle) * self.M * R(angle) Parameters: angle (float): Rotation angle in radians. Default: 0 keep (bool): If True, the original element is not updated. Default: False. change_name (bool): If True and angle is of size 1, changes the object name adding @ XX deg, being XX the total rotation angle. Default: True. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Rotated Jones matrix. """ # Don't rotate objects that shouldn't if self.no_rotation: print('Warning: Tried to rotate {}, which must not be rotated.'. format( return self else: # Act differently if we want to keep self intact if keep: new_obj = self.copy() else: new_obj = self # Prepare variables angle, new_obj, new_shape = prepare_variables([angle], expand=[True], obj=new_obj, give_shape=True) # Calculate the rotation objects Jneg, Jpos = create_Jones_matrices(('', '')) Jneg.from_matrix(rotation_matrix_Jones(-angle)) Jpos.from_matrix(rotation_matrix_Jones(angle)) # Rotate other = Jneg * (new_obj * Jpos) new_obj.from_matrix(other.M) # Update name if change_name and angle.size == 1: if np.abs(angle) > tol_default: = + \ " @ {:1.2f} deg".format(angle[0] / degrees) # Return new_obj.shape, _ = select_shape(new_obj, new_shape) return new_obj
# @_actualize_
[docs] def reciprocal(self, keep=False, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None, change_name=change_names): """Calculates the reciprocal of the optical element, so the light tranverses it in the opposite direction. It is calculated as: .. math:: J^{r}=\left[\begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0\\ 0 & -1 \end{array}\right]J^{T}\left[\begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0\\ 0 & -1 \end{array}\right] References: J.J. Gil, R. Ossikovsky "Polarized light and the Mueller Matrix approach", CRC Press (2016), pp 106. Parameters: keep (bool): If True, the original element is not updated. Default: False. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. change_name (bool): If True, changes the object name adding Recip. of at the beggining of the name. Default: True. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Result. """ # Act differently if we want to keep self intact if keep: new_obj = self.copy() else: new_obj = self # Extract the components J00, J01, J10, J11 = new_obj.transpose( keep=True).parameters.components(shape=False) new_obj.from_components((J00, -J01, -J10, J11)) # Add the global phase new_obj = new_obj.add_global_phase(global_phase, length=length, shape_like=shape_like, shape=shape) # Fix the name if required if change_name: = 'Reciprocal of ' + return new_obj
[docs] def transpose(self, keep=False, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None, change_name=change_names): """Calculates the transposed matrices of the Jones matrices. Parameters: keep (bool): if True, the original element is not updated. Default: False. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. change_name (bool): If True, changes the object name adding Recip. of at the beggining of the name. Default: True. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Modified object. """ # Act differently if we want to keep self intact if keep: new_obj = self.copy() else: new_obj = self # Caluclate inverse new_obj.from_matrix(np.transpose(new_obj.M, axes=(1, 0, 2))) # Add the global phase new_obj = new_obj.add_global_phase(global_phase, length=length, shape_like=shape_like, shape=shape) # Fix the name if required if change_name: = 'Transpose of ' + return new_obj
[docs] def hermitian(self, keep=False, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None, change_name=change_names): """Calculates the hermitian conjugate matrix of the Mueller matrix. Parameters: keep (bool): if True, the original element is not updated. Default: False. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. change_name (bool): If True, changes the object name adding Recip. of at the beggining of the name. Default: True. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Modified object. """ # Act differently if we want to keep self intact if keep: new_obj = self.copy() else: new_obj = self # Caluclate inverse new_obj.from_matrix(np.conj(np.transpose(new_obj.M, axes=(1, 0, 2)))) # Add the global phase new_obj = new_obj.add_global_phase(global_phase, length=length, shape_like=shape_like, shape=shape) # Fix the name if required if change_name: = 'Hermitian of ' + return new_obj
[docs] def inverse(self, keep=False, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None, change_name=change_names): """Calculates the inverse matrix of the Jones matrix. Parameters: keep (bool): if True, the original element is not updated. Default: False. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. change_name (bool): If True, changes the object name adding Recip. of at the beggining of the name. Default: True. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Modified object. """ # Act differently if we want to keep self intact if keep: new_obj = self.copy() else: new_obj = self # Caluclate inverse new_obj.from_matrix(inv_pypol(self.M)) # Add the global phase new_obj = new_obj.add_global_phase(global_phase, length=length, shape_like=shape_like, shape=shape) new_obj.shape, _ = select_shape(shape_var=self.shape, shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape) # Fix the name if required if change_name: = 'Inverse of ' + return new_obj
[docs] def sum(self, axis=None, keep=False, change_name=change_names): """Calculates the sum of Jones matrices stored in the object. Parameters: axis (int, list or tuple): Axes along which the summatory is performed. If None, all matrices are summed. keep (bool): If True, the original element is not updated. Default: False. change_name (bool): If True, changes the object name adding Recip. of at the beggining of the name. Default: True. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Modified object. """ # Act differently if we want to keep self intact if keep: new_obj = self.copy() else: new_obj = self # Simple case if axis is None or new_obj.ndim <= 1: M = np.sum(new_obj.M, axis=2) # Complicated case else: # Calculate maximum axis if isinstance(axis, int): axis = axis + 2 m = axis else: axis = np.array(axis) + 2 m = np.max(axis) # Check that the axes are correct if m >= new_obj.ndim + 2: raise ValueError( 'Axis {} greater than the number of dimensions of {}, which is {}' .format(m,, new_obj.ndim)) # Reshape M to fit the current shape shape = [2, 2] + new_obj.shape M = np.reshape(new_obj.M, shape) # check if the axis is int or not if isinstance(axis, int): M = np.sum(M, axis=axis) else: M = np.sum(M, axis=tuple(axis)) # Create the object and return it new_obj.from_matrix(M) if change_names: = 'Sum of ' + return new_obj
[docs] def prod(self, axis=None, keep=False, change_name=change_names): """Calculates the product of Jones matrices stored in the object. Parameters: axis (int, list or tuple): Axes along which the product is performed. If None, all matrices are multiplied. keep (bool): if True, the original element is not updated. Default: False. change_name (bool): If True, changes the object name adding Recip. of at the beggining of the name. Default: True. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Modified object. """ # Act differently if we want to keep self intact if keep: new_obj = self.copy() else: new_obj = self # Simple case if axis is not None: N_axis = np.array(axis).size if axis is None or new_obj.ndim <= 1 or new_obj.ndim == N_axis: M = new_obj.M[:, :, 0] for ind in range(1, new_obj.size): M = M @ new_obj.M[:, :, ind] # Complicated case else: # Calculate maximum axis if isinstance(axis, int): m = axis + 2 else: axis = np.array(axis) m = np.max(axis) + 2 # Check that the axes are correct if m >= new_obj.ndim + 2: raise ValueError( 'Axis {} greater than the number of dimensions of {}, which is {}' .format(m,, new_obj.ndim)) # Calculate shapes, sizes and indices if isinstance(axis, int): shape_removed = new_obj.shape[axis] else: shape_removed = np.array(new_obj.shape)[axis] N_removed = ind_removed = combine_indices( np.unravel_index(np.array(range(N_removed)), shape_removed)) shape_matrix = np.delete(new_obj.shape, axis) N_matrix = ind_matrix = combine_indices( np.unravel_index(np.array(range(N_matrix)), shape_matrix)) shape_final = [2, 2] + list(shape_matrix) axes_aux = np.array(range(2, new_obj.ndim + 2)) shape_orig = [2, 2] + list(new_obj.shape) # Make the for loop of the matrix to be calculated M_orig = np.reshape(new_obj.M, shape_orig) M = np.zeros(shape_final) for indM in range(N_matrix): # Make the multiplication loop indices = merge_indices(ind_matrix[indM], ind_removed[0], axis) aux = multitake(M_orig, indices, axes_aux) for indR in range(1, N_removed): indices = merge_indices(ind_matrix[indM], ind_removed[indR], axis) aux = aux @ multitake(M_orig, indices, axes_aux) # Store the result ind_aux = tuple([0, 0] + list(ind_matrix[indM])) M[ind_aux] = aux[0, 0] ind_aux = tuple([0, 1] + list(ind_matrix[indM])) M[ind_aux] = aux[0, 1] ind_aux = tuple([1, 0] + list(ind_matrix[indM])) M[ind_aux] = aux[1, 0] ind_aux = tuple([1, 1] + list(ind_matrix[indM])) M[ind_aux] = aux[1, 1] # Create the object and return it new_obj.from_matrix(M) if change_names: = 'Prod of ' + return new_obj
# @_actualize_
[docs] def remove_global_phase(self, keep=False, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Function that transforms the Jones vector removing the global phase, so J00 is real and positive. Parameters: keep (bool): If True, self is not updated. Default: False. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Simplified Jones matrix. """ # Act differently if we want to keep self intact if keep: new_obj = self.copy() else: new_obj = self # Calculate the phase and the components old_shape = new_obj.shape J00, J01, J10, J11 = self.parameters.components(shape=False) phase = self.parameters.global_phase(shape=False) # Remove the phase phase = np.exp(1j * phase) new_obj.from_components( (J00 / phase, J01 / phase, J10 / phase, J11 / phase)) new_obj.shape = old_shape # Return return new_obj
[docs] def add_global_phase(self, global_phase=0, keep=False, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Function that adds a phase to the Jones matrix. Parameters: global_phase (float or np.ndarray): Phase to be added to the Jones matrix. Default: 0. keep (bool): If True, self is not updated. Default: False. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Recalculated Jones matrix. """ # Act differently if we want to keep self intact if keep: new_obj = self.copy() else: new_obj = self # Prepare variables global_phase, new_obj, new_shape = prepare_variables([global_phase], expand=[True], obj=new_obj, give_shape=True) # Add the phase J00, J01, J10, J11 = new_obj.parameters.components(shape=False) global_phase = np.exp(1j * global_phase) new_obj.from_components((J00 * global_phase, J01 * global_phase, J10 * global_phase, J11 * global_phase)) new_obj.shape, _ = select_shape(new_obj, new_shape) # Return return new_obj
[docs] def set_global_phase(self, global_phase=0, keep=False, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Function that sets the phase of the Jones matrix. Parameters: global_phase (float or np.ndarray): Phase to be added to the Jones matrix. Default: 0. keep (bool): If True, self is not updated. Default: False. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Recalculated Jones matrix. """ # Act differently if we want to keep self intact if keep: new_obj = self.copy() else: new_obj = self # Prepare variables global_phase, new_obj, new_shape = prepare_variables([global_phase], expand=[True], obj=new_obj, give_shape=True) # Remove the current phase new_obj.remove_global_phase(shape_like=shape_like, shape=shape) # Add the phase new_obj.add_global_phase(global_phase, length=length, shape_like=shape_like, shape=shape) new_obj.shape, _ = select_shape(new_obj, new_shape) # Return return new_obj
#################################################################### # Creation ####################################################################
[docs] def from_components(self, components, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Creates the Jones matrix object form the arrays of electric field components. Parameters: components (tuple or list): A 4 element tuple containing the 4 components of the Jones matrices (J00, J01, J10, J11). global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Adds a global phase to the Jones matrix. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Prepare variables J00, J01, J10, J11 = components (J00, J01, J10, J11, global_phase), new_shape = prepare_variables( vars=[J00, J01, J10, J11, global_phase], expand=[True, True, True, True, False], length=length, give_shape=True) # Add global Phase if global_phase is not 0: J00 = J00 * np.exp(1j * global_phase) J01 = J01 * np.exp(1j * global_phase) J10 = J10 * np.exp(1j * global_phase) J11 = J11 * np.exp(1j * global_phase) # Store self.M = np.array([[J00, J01], [J10, J11]]) self.no_rotation = False self.shape, _ = select_shape(self, shape_var=new_shape, shape_fun=shape, shape_like=shape_like) return self
[docs] def from_matrix(self, M, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Create a Jones_matrix object from an external array. Parameters: M (numpy.ndarray): New matrix. At least two dimensions must be of size 2. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Adds a global phase to the Jones matrix. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Check if the matrix is of the correct Size M = np.array(M) s = M.size # 1D and 2D if M.ndim == 1 or M.ndim == 2: if M.size % 4 == 0: M = np.reshape(M, (2, 2, int(M.size / 4))) else: raise ValueError( 'M must have a number of elements multiple of 4.') if M.size == 4: sh = None else: sh = [int(M.size / 4)] # 3D or more elif M.ndim > 2: sh = np.array(M.shape) N = np.sum(sh == 2) if N > 1: # Find the matrix indices and the final shape ind1 = np.argmin(~(sh == 2)) sh = np.delete(sh, ind1) ind2 = np.argmin(~(sh == 2)) sh = np.delete(sh, ind2) ind2 = ind2 + 1 # Calculate the components and construct the matrix from them M = np.array([[ multitake(M, [0, 0], [ind1, ind2]).flatten(), multitake(M, [0, 1], [ind1, ind2]).flatten() ], [ multitake(M, [1, 0], [ind1, ind2]).flatten(), multitake(M, [1, 1], [ind1, ind2]).flatten() ]]) else: raise ValueError( 'M must have two elements in at least two dimensions.') else: raise ValueError('M can not be empty') # Increase length if required if M.size == 4 and length > 1: M = np.multiply.outer(np.squeeze(M), np.ones(length)) # End operations self.M = M # self.size = M.size / 4 self.no_rotation = False self.add_global_phase(global_phase) self.shape, _ = select_shape(self, shape_var=sh, shape_fun=shape, shape_like=shape_like) return self
# @_actualize_
[docs] def from_Mueller(self, M, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Converts a pure Mueller matrix into Jones matrix object. Elements of Mueller object which are not pure are converted into NaN values. The values are found inverting the equation: .. math:: M(J)=\left[\begin{array}{cccc} 1 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 0 & -1\\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & i & -i & 0 \end{array}\right]\left(J\otimes J^{*}\right)\left[\begin{array}{cccc} 1 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 0 & -1\\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & i & -i & 0 \end{array}\right]^{-1} References: Handbook of Optics vol 2. 22.36 (52-54) Polarized Light and the Mueller matrix approach, J. J. Gil, pp 109. Parameters: M (Mueller): Mueller object. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (float or numpy.ndarray): Use the shape of this array. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Extract components from the Jones object and derivatives M00, M01, M02, M03, M10, M11, M12, M13, M20, M21, M22, M23, M30, M31, M32, M33 = M.parameters.components( shape=False) # Calculate absolute value of the Jones components. Use abs to avoid -0 J00 = np.sqrt(np.abs(M00 + M01 + M10 + M11) / 2) J01 = np.sqrt(np.abs(M00 - M01 + M10 - M11) / 2) J10 = np.sqrt(np.abs(M00 + M01 - M10 - M11) / 2) J11 = np.sqrt(np.abs(M00 - M01 - M10 + M11) / 2) # Calculate the complex phases phase_00 = M.parameters.global_phase(shape=False, give_nan=False) phase_01 = np.arctan2(-M03 - M13, M02 + M12) + phase_00 phase_10 = np.arctan2(M30 + M31, M20 + M21) + phase_00 phase_11 = np.arctan2(M32 + M23, M22 + M33) + phase_00 self.from_components( (J00 * np.exp(1j * phase_00), J01 * np.exp(1j * phase_01), J10 * np.exp(1j * phase_10), J11 * np.exp(1j * phase_11)), length=length, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like) return self
# @_actualize_
[docs] def vacuum(self, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Creates the matrix for vacuum i.e., an optically neutral element. Parameters: global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Adds a global phase to the Jones matrix. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Prepare variables global_phase, new_shape = prepare_variables(vars=[global_phase], expand=[True], length=length, give_shape=True) # Calculate global_phase = np.exp(1j * global_phase) z = np.zeros_like(global_phase) self.from_components((global_phase, z, z, global_phase)) self.no_rotation = False self.shape, _ = select_shape(self, shape_var=new_shape, shape_fun=shape, shape_like=shape_like) return self
# @_actualize_
[docs] def filter_amplifier(self, D=1, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Creates the Jones matrix of neutral filters or amplifiers. Parameters: D (float or numpy.ndarray): Attenuation (gain if > 1). Default: 1. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Prepare variables (D, global_phase), new_shape = prepare_variables(vars=[D, global_phase], expand=[True, False], length=length, give_shape=True) # Add global Phase if global_phase is not 0: D = D * np.exp(1j * global_phase) # Calculate z = np.zeros_like(D) self.from_components((D, z, z, D)) self.no_rotation = False self.shape, _ = select_shape(self, shape_var=new_shape, shape_fun=shape, shape_like=shape_like) return self
# @_actualize_
[docs] def mirror(self, ref=1, ref_field=None, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Jones matrix of a mirror. Parameters: ref (float or numpy.ndarray): Intensity reflectivity of the mirror. Default: 1. ref_field (float or numpy.ndarray): Electric field reflectivity coefficient. If not None, it overrides REF. Default: None. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Use the field reflectivity if ref_field is None: ref_field = np.sqrt(ref) # Prepare variables (ref_field, global_phase), new_shape = prepare_variables( vars=[ref_field, global_phase], expand=[True, False], length=length, give_shape=True) # Calculate global_phase = np.exp(1j * global_phase) z = np.zeros_like(global_phase) self.from_components( (ref_field * global_phase, z, z, -ref_field * global_phase)) self.no_rotation = True self.shape, _ = select_shape(self, shape_var=new_shape, shape_fun=shape, shape_like=shape_like) return self
# @_actualize_
[docs] def diattenuator_perfect(self, azimuth=0, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Creates a perfect diattenuator (polarizer). Parameters: azimuth (float or numpy.ndarray): rotation angle of the high transmission polarizer axis. Default: 0. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Prepare variables (azimuth, global_phase), new_shape = prepare_variables( vars=[azimuth, global_phase], expand=[False, True], length=length, give_shape=True) z = np.zeros_like(global_phase) # Calculate global_phase = np.exp(1j * global_phase) self.M = np.array([[global_phase, z], [z, z]]) self.no_rotation = False self.rotate(azimuth) self.shape, _ = select_shape(self, shape_var=new_shape, shape_fun=shape, shape_like=shape_like) return self
# @_actualize_
[docs] def diattenuator_linear(self, p1=1, p2=0, Tmax=None, Tmin=None, azimuth=0, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Creates a real polarizer with perpendicular axes: .. math:: J\left(\theta=0\right)=\left[\begin{array}{cc} p_{1} & 0\\ 0 & p_{2} \end{array}\right]'. Parameters: p1 (float or numpy.ndarray): Electric field transmission coefficient of the transmission eigenstate. Default: 1. p2 (float or numpy.ndarray): Electric field transmission coefficient of the extinction eigenstate. Default: 0. Tmax (float or numpy.ndarray): Maximum transmission. If not None, overrides p1. Default: None. Tmin (float or numpy.ndarray): Minimum transmission. If not None, overrides p2. Default: None. azimuth (float or numpy.ndarray): rotation angle of the high transmission polarizer axis. Default: 0. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Use field transmission coefficients if Tmax is not None: p1 = np.sqrt(Tmax) if Tmin is not None: p2 = np.sqrt(Tmin) # Prepare variables (p1, p2, azimuth, global_phase), new_shape = prepare_variables( vars=[p1, p2, azimuth, global_phase], expand=[True, True, False, False], length=length, give_shape=True) z = np.zeros_like(p1) # Add global Phase if global_phase is not 0: p1 = p1 * np.exp(1j * global_phase) p2 = p2 * np.exp(1j * global_phase) # Create the object self.M = np.array([[p1, z], [z, p2]]) self.no_rotation = False self.rotate(azimuth) self.shape, _ = select_shape(self, shape_var=new_shape, shape_fun=shape, shape_like=shape_like) return self
# @_actualize_
[docs] def diattenuator_charac_angles(self, p1=1, p2=0, Tmax=None, Tmin=None, alpha=0, delay=0, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Creates the most general homogenous diattenuator with orthogonal eigenstates from the characteristic angles of the main eigenstate. References: J.J. Gil, R. Ossikovsky "Polarized light and the Mueller Matrix approach", CRC Press (2016) pp 137. Parameters: p1 (float or numpy.ndarray): Electric field transmission coefficient of the transmission eigenstate. Default: 1. p2 (float or numpy.ndarray): [0, 1] Square root of the lower transmission for the other eigenstate. Default: 0. Tmax (float or numpy.ndarray): Maximum transmission. If not None, overrides p1. Default: None. Tmin (float or numpy.ndarray): Minimum transmission. If not None, overrides p2. Default: None. alpha (float or numpy.ndarray): [0, pi/2]: tan(alpha) is the ratio between field amplitudes of X and Y components. Default: 0. delay (float or numpy.ndarray): [0, 2*pi]: phase difference between X and Y field components. Default: 0. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Use field transmission coefficients if Tmax is not None: p1 = np.sqrt(Tmax) if Tmin is not None: p2 = np.sqrt(Tmin) # Prepare variables (p1, p2, alpha, delay, global_phase), new_shape = prepare_variables( vars=[p1, p2, alpha, delay, global_phase], expand=[True, True, False, False, False], length=length, give_shape=True) alpha = put_in_limits(alpha, "alpha") delay = put_in_limits(delay, "delay") # Compute the common operations sa, ca = (np.sin(alpha), np.cos(alpha)) ed, edm = (np.exp(1j * delay), np.exp(-1j * delay)) # Calculate the Jones matrix self.M = np.array( [[p1 * ca**2 + p2 * sa**2, sa * ca * (p1 - p2) * edm], [sa * ca * (p1 - p2) * ed, p2 * ca**2 + p1 * sa**2]]) self.no_rotation = False self.add_global_phase(global_phase) self.shape, _ = select_shape(self, shape_var=new_shape, shape_fun=shape, shape_like=shape_like) return self
# @_actualize_
[docs] def diattenuator_azimuth_ellipticity(self, p1=1, p2=0, Tmax=None, Tmin=None, azimuth=0, ellipticity=0, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Creates the general diattenuator with orthogonal eigenstates from the characteristic angles of the main eigenstate. References: J.J. Gil, R. Ossikovsky "Polarized light and the Mueller Matrix approach", CRC Press (2016) pp 137. Parameters: p1 (float or numpy.ndarray): [0, 1] Square root of the higher transmission for one eigenstate. Default: 1. p2 (float or numpy.ndarray): [0, 1] Square root of the lower transmission for the other eigenstate. Default: 0. Tmax (float or numpy.ndarray): Maximum transmission. If not None, overrides p1. Default: None. Tmin (float or numpy.ndarray): Minimum transmission. If not None, overrides p2. Default: None. azimuth (float): [0, pi]: Azimuth. Default: 0. ellipticity (float): [-pi/4, pi/]: Ellipticity angle. Default: 0. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Prepare variables alpha, delay = azimuth_elipt_2_charac_angles(azimuth=azimuth, ellipticity=ellipticity) # Calculate self.diattenuator_charac_angles(p1=p1, p2=p2, Tmax=Tmax, Tmin=Tmin, alpha=alpha, delay=delay, global_phase=global_phase, length=length, shape_like=shape_like, shape=shape) return self
# @_actualize_
[docs] def quarter_waveplate(self, azimuth=0, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Jones matrix of an ideal quarter-waveplate :math:`\lambda/4`. Parameters: azimuth (float or numpy.ndarray): rotation angle of the fast state axis. Default: 0. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ self.retarder_linear(R=90 * degrees, azimuth=azimuth, global_phase=global_phase, length=length, shape_like=shape_like, shape=shape) return self
# @_actualize_
[docs] def half_waveplate(self, azimuth=0, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Jones matrix of an ideal half-waveplate :math:`\lambda/2`. Parameters: azimuth (float or numpy.ndarray): Rotation angle of the fast state axis. Default: 0. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ self.retarder_linear(R=180 * degrees, azimuth=azimuth, global_phase=global_phase, length=length, shape_like=shape_like, shape=shape) return self
# @_actualize_
[docs] def retarder_linear(self, R=90 * degrees, azimuth=0, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Creates a linear retarder. Parameters: R (float): [0, pi] Retardance (delay between components). Default: 90 degrees. azimuth (float or numpy.ndarray): Rotation angle of the fast state axis. Default: 0. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Prepare variables R, new_shape = prepare_variables(vars=[R], expand=[True], length=length, give_shape=True) # Calculate M = np.array([[np.ones_like(R), np.zeros_like(R)], [np.zeros_like(R), np.exp(-1j * R)]], dtype=complex) self.M = M self.no_rotation = False self.rotate(azimuth) self.set_global_phase(global_phase) self.shape, _ = select_shape(self, shape_var=new_shape, shape_fun=shape, shape_like=shape_like) return self
# @_actualize_
[docs] def retarder_material(self, ne=1, no=1, d=1 * um, wavelength=0.6328 * um, azimuth=0, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Creates a retarder using the physical properties of an anisotropic material. .. math:: \phi = 2 \pi (n_e-n_o) d / \lambda. Parameters: ne (float or numpy.ndarray): Extraordinary index. Default: 1. n0 (float or numpy.ndarray): Ordinary index. Default: 1. d (float or numpy.ndarray): Thickness of the sheet in microns. Default: 1 um. wavelength (float or numpy.ndarray): Wavelength of the illumination. Default: 0.6328 um. azimuth (float or numpy.ndarray): Rotation angle of the fast state axis. Default: 0. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Prepare variables (ne, no, d, wavelength, azimuth), new_shape = prepare_variables( vars=[ne, no, d, wavelength, azimuth], expand=[True, False, False, False, False], length=length, give_shape=True) phase = 2 * np.pi * (ne - no) * d / wavelength z = np.zeros_like(ne) # Calculate self.M = np.array([[np.ones_like(phase), np.zeros_like(phase)], [np.zeros_like(phase), np.exp(-1j * phase)]], dtype=complex) self.no_rotation = False self.rotate(azimuth) self.set_global_phase(global_phase) self.shape, _ = select_shape(self, shape_var=new_shape, shape_fun=shape, shape_like=shape_like) return self
# @_actualize_
[docs] def retarder_charac_angles(self, R=90 * degrees, alpha=0, delay=0, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Function that calculates the most general homogeneous diattenuator from the characteristic angles of the fast eigenstate. References: "Polarized light and the Mueller Matrix approach", J. J. Gil, pp 125. Parameters: R (float): [0, pi] Retardance (delay between components). Default: 90 degrees. alpha (float): [0, pi/2]: tan(alpha) is the ratio between amplitudes of the eigenstates in Jones formalism. Default: 0. delay (float): [0, 2*pi]: phase difference between both components of the eigenstates in Jones formalism. Default: 0. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Prepare variables (R, alpha, delay, global_phase), new_shape = prepare_variables( vars=[R, alpha, delay, global_phase], expand=[True, True, True, False], length=length, give_shape=True) alpha = put_in_limits(alpha, "alpha") delay = put_in_limits(delay, "delay") # Compute the common operations sa, ca = (np.sin(alpha), np.cos(alpha)) s2a, sD = (np.sin(2 * alpha), np.sin(R / 2)) ed, edm = (np.exp(1j * delay), np.exp(-1j * delay)) eD, eDm = (np.exp(1j * R / 2), np.exp(-1j * R / 2)) # Calculate the Jones matrix self.M = np.array([[ca**2 * eD + sa**2 * eDm, 1j * s2a * sD * edm], [1j * s2a * sD * ed, ca**2 * eDm + sa**2 * eD]]) self.remove_global_phase() # Rest of operations self.no_rotation = False self.add_global_phase(global_phase) self.shape, _ = select_shape(self, shape_var=new_shape, shape_fun=shape, shape_like=shape_like) return self
# @_actualize_
[docs] def retarder_azimuth_ellipticity(self, R=90 * degrees, azimuth=0, ellipticity=0, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Function that calculates the most general homogeneous diattenuator from the characteristic angles of the fast eigenstate. References: "Polarized light and the Mueller Matrix approach", J. J. Gil, pp 125. Parameters: R (float): [0, pi] Retardance (delay between components). Default: 90 degrees. azimuth (float): [0, pi]: Azimuth. Default: 0. ellipticity (float): [-pi/4, pi/4]: Ellipticity. Default: 0. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Prepare variables alpha, delay = azimuth_elipt_2_charac_angles(azimuth=azimuth, ellipticity=ellipticity) # Calculate self.retarder_charac_angles(R, alpha, delay, global_phase=global_phase, length=length, shape_like=shape_like, shape=shape) return self
# @_actualize_
[docs] def diattenuator_retarder_linear(self, p1=1, p2=0, Tmax=None, Tmin=None, R=0, azimuth=0, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Creates a linear diattenuator retarder with the same axes for diattenuation and retardance. At 0 degrees, the matrix is of the form: .. math:: J\left(\theta=0\right)=\left[\begin{array}{cc} p_{1} & 0\\ 0 & p_{2}e^{i R} \end{array}\right]'. Parameters: p1 (float or numpy.ndarray): Field transmission of the fast axis. Default: 1. p2 (float or numpy.ndarray): Electric field transmission coefficient of the extinction eigenstate. Default: 0. Tmax (float or numpy.ndarray): Maximum transmission. If not None, overrides p1. Default: None. Tin (float or numpy.ndarray): Minimum transmission. If not None, overrides p2. Default: None. R (float or numpy.ndarray): Retardance. Default: 0. azimuth (float or numpy.ndarray): Rotation angle of the high transmission polarizer axis. Default: 0. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Use field transmission coefficients if Tmax is not None: p1 = np.sqrt(Tmax) if Tmin is not None: p2 = np.sqrt(Tmin) # Prepare variables (p1, p2, R, azimuth, global_phase), new_shape = prepare_variables( vars=[p1, p2, R, azimuth, global_phase], expand=[True, True, False, False, False], length=length, give_shape=True) z = np.zeros_like(p1) # Add global Phase if global_phase is not 0: p1 = p1 * np.exp(1j * global_phase) p2 = p2 * np.exp(1j * global_phase) # Create the object self.M = np.array([[p1, z], [z, p2 * np.exp(1j * R)]]) self.no_rotation = False self.rotate(azimuth) self.shape, _ = select_shape(self, shape_var=new_shape, shape_fun=shape, shape_like=shape_like) return self
[docs] def diattenuator_retarder_azimuth_ellipticity(self, p1=1, p2=0, Tmax=None, Tmin=None, R=0, azimuth=0, ellipticity=0, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Creates the most general homogenous diattenuator retarder from the azimuth and ellipticity of the fast eigenstate. Parameters: p1 (float or numpy.ndarray): Field transmission of the fast axis. Default: 1. p2 (float or numpy.ndarray): Electric field transmission coefficient of the extinction eigenstate. Default: 0. Tmax (float or numpy.ndarray): Maximum transmission. If not None, overrides p1. Default: None. Tmin (float or numpy.ndarray): Minimum transmission. If not None, overrides p2. Default: None. R (float or numpy.ndarray): Retardance. Default: 0. azimuth (float or numpy.ndarray): rotation angle of the high transmission polarizer axis. Default: 0. ellipticity (float): [-pi/4, pi/]: Ellipticity angle. Default: 0. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Use field transmission coefficients if Tmax is not None: p1 = np.sqrt(Tmax) if Tmin is not None: p2 = np.sqrt(Tmin) # Create the two objects E1 = Jones_matrix() E1.diattenuator_azimuth_ellipticity(p1=p1, p2=p2, azimuth=azimuth, ellipticity=ellipticity, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like, length=length) E2 = Jones_matrix() E2.retarder_azimuth_ellipticity(R=R, azimuth=azimuth, ellipticity=ellipticity, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like, length=length) # Multiply and extract new_obj = E1 * E2 self.from_matrix(new_obj.M) self.shape, _ = new_obj.shape, new_obj.ndim return self
[docs] def diattenuator_retarder_charac_angles(self, p1=1, p2=0, Tmax=None, Tmin=None, R=0, alpha=0, delay=0, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Creates the most general homogenous diattenuator retarder from the characteristic angles of the fast eigenstate. Parameters: p1 (float or numpy.ndarray): Field transmission of the fast axis. Default: 1. p2 (float or numpy.ndarray): Electric field transmission coefficient of the extinction eigenstate. Default: 0. Tmax (float or numpy.ndarray): Maximum transmission. If not None, overrides p1. Default: None. Tmin (float or numpy.ndarray): Minimum transmission. If not None, overrides p2. Default: None. R (float or numpy.ndarray): Retardance. Default: 0. alpha (float or numpy.ndarray): [0, pi/2]: tan(alpha) is the ratio between field amplitudes of X and Y components. Default: 0. delay (float or numpy.ndarray): [0, 2*pi]: Phase difference between X and Y field components. Default: 0. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Use field transmission coefficients if Tmax is not None: p1 = np.sqrt(Tmax) if Tmin is not None: p2 = np.sqrt(Tmin) # Create the two objects E1, E2 = create_Jones_matrices(N=2) E1.diattenuator_charac_angles(p1=p1, p2=p2, alpha=alpha, delay=delay, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like, length=length) E2.retarder_charac_angles(R=R, alpha=alpha, delay=delay, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like, length=length) # Multiply and extract new_obj = E1 * E2 self.from_matrix(new_obj.M) self.shape, _ = new_obj.shape, new_obj.ndim return self
[docs] def general_eigenstates(self, E1, E2=None, p1=1, p2=0, Tmax=None, Tmin=None, R=0, global_phase=0, length=1, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Creates the most general optical element from its eigenstates. Parameters: E1 (Jones_vector): First eigenstate. E2 (Jones_vector): Second eigenstate. If None, E2 is taken as the perpendicular state to E1, so the optical object is homogenous. Default: None p1 (float or numpy.ndarray): Field transmission of the fast axis. Default: 1. p2 (float or numpy.ndarray): Electric field transmission coefficient of the extinction eigenstate. Default: 0. Tmax (float or numpy.ndarray): Maximum transmission. If not None, overrides p1. Default: None. Tmin (float or numpy.ndarray): Minimum transmission. If not None, overrides p2. Default: None. R (float or numpy.ndarray): Retardance. Default: 0. global_phase (float or numpy.ndarray): Global phase introduced by the optical element. Default: 0. length (int): If final object is of size 1, it is stretched to match this size. Default: 1. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Jones_matrix): Created object. """ # Use field transmission coefficients if Tmax is not None: p1 = np.sqrt(Tmax) if Tmin is not None: p2 = np.sqrt(Tmin) # Main calculation if E2 is None: # Simple case: homogenous case az, el = E1.parameters.azimuth_ellipticity() self.diattenuator_retarder_azimuth_ellipticity( p1=p1, p2=p2, R=R, azimuth=az, ellipticity=el, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like, length=length, global_phase=global_phase) else: # Prepare variables length = np.max([length, E1.size, E2.size]) (p1, p2, R, global_phase), new_shape = prepare_variables( vars=[p1, p2, R, global_phase], expand=[True, True, False, False], length=length, give_shape=True) # Complicated case: inhomogeneous case R = put_in_limits(R, 'Retardance') # Create the diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues d00 = p1 * np.exp(1j * global_phase) d11 = p2 * np.exp(1j * (global_phase + R)) z = np.zeros_like(d00) D = np.array([[d00, z], [z, d11]]) # Create the matrix with the eigenvectors as columns V = np.array([E1.M, E2.M]) V = np.transpose(V, axes=(1, 0, 2)) V_inv = inv_pypol(V) # Multiply the matrices M = matmul_pypol(D, V_inv) M = matmul_pypol(V, M) # Create the object self.from_matrix(M, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like, length=length, global_phase=global_phase) return self
################################################################################ # Parameters ################################################################################
[docs] class Parameters_Jones_Matrix(object): """Class for Jones Matrix Parameters. Parameters: self.parent (Jones_matrix): Parent object. """ def __init__(self, Jones_matrix): self.parent = Jones_matrix def __repr__(self): """Print all parameters.""" self.get_all(verbose=True, draw=True) return ''
[docs] def get_all(self, verbose=False, draw=False): """Creates a dictionary with all the parameters of Jones Matrix. Parameters: verbose (bool): If True, print all parameters. Default: False. draw (bool): If True, draw all plots/images of the parameters. Default: False. Returns: (dict): Dictionary with parameters of Jones Matrix. """ dict_params = {} dict_params['J00'], dict_params['J01'], dict_params[ 'J10'], dict_params['J11'] = self.components(verbose=verbose, draw=draw) dict_params['diattenuation'] = self.diattenuation(verbose=verbose, draw=draw) dict_params['retardance'] = self.retardance(verbose=verbose, draw=draw) dict_params['global_phase'] = self.global_phase(verbose=verbose, draw=draw) dict_params['inhomogeneity'] = self.inhomogeneity(verbose=verbose, draw=draw) dict_params['T_max'], dict_params[ 'T_min'] = self.transmissions(verbose=verbose, draw=draw) dict_params['p1'], dict_params[ 'p2'] = self.transmissions(kind='field', verbose=verbose, draw=draw) dict_params['mean_transmission'] = self.mean_transmission( verbose=verbose, draw=draw) dict_params['det'] = self.det(verbose=verbose, draw=draw) dict_params['trace'] = self.trace(verbose=verbose, draw=draw) dict_params['norm'] = self.norm(verbose=verbose, draw=draw) dict_params['v1'], dict_params['v2'], dict_params[ 'e1'], dict_params['e2'] = self.eig(verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return dict_params
[docs] def matrix(self, shape=None, shape_like=None): """Returns the numpy array of Jones matrices. Parameters: shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. Returns: (numpy.ndarray) 2x2xN numpy array. """ shape, _ = select_shape(obj=self.parent, shape_fun=shape, shape_like=shape_like) if shape is not None and len(shape) > 1: shape = tuple([2, 2] + list(shape)) M = np.reshape(self.parent.M, shape) else: M = self.parent.M return M
[docs] def components(self, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False, kind='jones'): """Extracts the matrix components of the Jones matrix. Parameters: out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): if True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: J00 (numpy.ndarray): array of the 0, 0 element of the matrix. J01 (numpy.ndarray): array of the 0, 1 element of the matrix. J10 (numpy.ndarray): array of the 1, 0 element of the matrix. J11 (numpy.ndarray): array of the 1, 1 element of the matrix. """ # Calculate the components J00 = self.parent.M[0, 0, :] J01 = self.parent.M[0, 1, :] J10 = self.parent.M[1, 0, :] J11 = self.parent.M[1, 1, :] # If the result is a number and the user asks for it, return a float if out_number and J00.size == 1: J00, J01, J10, J11 = (J00[0], J01[0], J10[0], J11[0]) # Reshape if required J00, J01, J10, J11 = reshape([J00, J01, J10, J11], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = 'The matrix components of {} are:'.format( PrintParam(param=(J00, J01, J10, J11), shape=self.parent.shape, title=('J00', 'J01', 'J10', 'J11'), heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw, kind=kind) # Return return J00, J01, J10, J11
[docs] def inhomogeneity(self, method='val', out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """Calculates the inhomogeneity parameter. References: Method EIG: J.J. Gil, R. Ossikovsky "Polarized light and the Mueller Matrix approach", CRC Press (2016), pp 119. Method VAL: "Homogeneous and inhomogeneous Jones matrices", S.Y. Lu and R.A. Chipman, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 11, No. 2 pp. 766 (1994) Parameters: method (string): Method used for the calculation of the inhomogeneity parameter: EIG uses the eigenstates and VAL uses determinant, norm and trace. out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: eta (numpy.ndarray or float): Inhomogeneity parameter. """ if method in ('eig', 'Eig', 'EIG'): # Calculate the egenstates e1, e2 = self.eigenstates(shape=False) # Calculate the parameter eta = np.abs(np.sum(np.conj(e1) * e2, axis=0)) elif method in ('val', 'Val', 'VAL'): # Calculate the values det = self.det(out_number=False, shape=False) trace = self.trace(out_number=False, shape=False) norm2 = self.norm(out_number=False, shape=False)**2 # Calculate the parameter a = norm2 - 0.5 * np.abs(trace)**2 b = 0.5 * np.abs(trace**2 - 4 * det) eta = (a - b) / (a + b) else: raise ValueError('Method {} is not defined'.format(method)) # If the result is a number and the user asks for it, return a float if out_number and eta.size == 1: eta = eta[0] # Reshape if neccessary eta = reshape([eta], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = 'The inhomogeneity parameter of {} is:'.format( PrintParam(param=eta, shape=self.parent.shape, title='Inhomogeneity', heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return eta
[docs] def diattenuation(self, remove_nan=False, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """Calculation of the diattenuation of a Jones Matrix. References: "Homogeneous and inhomogeneous Jones matrices", S.Y. Lu and R.A. Chipman, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 11, No. 2 pp. 766 (1994) Parameters: remove_nan (bool): If True, np.nan values are substitued by 0. Default: False. out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: D (numpy.ndarray or float): Diattenuation. """ # Calculate eigenvalues, eigenstates and homogeneity v1, v2 = self.eigenvalues(out_number=False, shape=False) a1, a2 = (np.abs(v1), np.abs(v2)) eta = self.inhomogeneity(out_number=False, shape=False) cond = eta < tol_default**2 D = np.zeros_like(v1) # Case homogenous if np.any(cond): D[cond] = np.abs(a1[cond]**2 - a2[cond]**2) / (a1[cond]**2 + a2[cond]**2) # Case inhomogeneous cond = ~cond if np.any(cond): num = 2 * (1 - eta[cond]**2) * a1[cond] * a2[cond] den = a1[cond]**2 + a2[cond]**2 - eta[cond]**2 * \ (v1[cond] * np.conj(v2[cond]) + v2[cond] * np.conj(v1[cond])) D[cond] = np.sqrt(1 - (num / den)**2) # D must be real, but complex numbers are used during calculation D = np.array(D, dtype=float) # If there are nans and the user asks for it, change them for 0 cond = np.isnan(D) if remove_nan and np.any(cond): D[cond] = 0 # If the result is a number and the user asks for it, return a float if out_number and D.size == 1: D = D[0] # Reshape if neccessary D = reshape([D], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = 'The diattenuation of {} is:'.format( PrintParam(param=D, shape=self.parent.shape, title='Diattenuation', heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return D
[docs] def polarizance(self, remove_nan=False, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """Calculation of the polarizance of the Jones matrices. In Jones formalism, this is the same as diattenuation. Parameters: remove_nan (bool): If True, np.nan values are substitued by 0. Default: False. out_number (bool): # IDEA: f True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): if True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: P (numpy.ndarray or float): Polarizance. """ # Calculate the diattenuation D = self.diattenuation(remove_nan=remove_nan, out_number=out_number, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like) P = D # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = 'The polarizance of {} is:'.format( PrintParam(param=P, shape=self.parent.shape, title='Polarizance', heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return P
[docs] def retardance(self, remove_nan=False, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """Calculation of the retardance (delay between eigenstates) of a Jones optical element. References: "Homogeneous and inhomogeneous Jones matrices", Shih-Yau Lu and Russell A. Chipman, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 11, No. 2 pp. 766 (1994) Parameters: remove_nan (bool): If True, np.nan values are substitued by 0. Default: False. out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: R (numpy.ndarray or float): Retardance. """ # Calculate the needed values v1, v2 = self.eigenvalues(out_number=False, shape=False) a1, a2 = (np.abs(v1), np.abs(v2)) M = np.moveaxis(self.parent.M, -1, 0) det = self.det(out_number=False, shape=False) trace = self.trace(out_number=False, shape=False) norm2 = self.norm(out_number=False, shape=False)**2 eta = self.inhomogeneity(out_number=False, shape=False) # Act differently if the object is homogeneous cond1 = eta < tol_default**2 R = np.zeros_like(eta) # Homogeneous case if np.any(cond1): cond2 = np.abs(det) < tol_default**2 R[cond1 * cond2] = 2 * np.arccos( np.abs(trace[cond1 * cond2]) / np.sqrt(norm2[cond1 * cond2])) cond2 = ~cond2 num = np.abs(trace[cond1 * cond2] + det[cond1 * cond2] * np.conj(trace[cond1 * cond2]) / np.abs(det[cond1 * cond2])) den = 2 * np.sqrt(norm2[cond1 * cond2] + 2 * np.abs(det[cond1 * cond2])) R[cond1 * cond2] = 2 * np.arccos(num / den) # Inhomogeneous case cond1 = ~cond1 if np.any(cond1): num = (1 - eta[cond1]**2) * (a1[cond1] + a2[cond1])**2 den = (a1[cond1] + a2[cond1])**2 - eta[cond1]**2 * ( 2 * v1[cond1] * a1[cond1] * a2[cond1] + np.conj(v2[cond1] + v2[cond1] * np.conj(v1[cond1]))) co = np.cos((np.angle(v1[cond1]) - np.angle(v2[cond1])) / 2) R[cond1] = 2 * np.arccos(np.sqrt(num / den) * co) # D must be real, but complex numbers are used during calculation R = np.array(R, dtype=float) # If there are nans and the user asks for it, change them for 0 cond = np.isnan(R) if remove_nan and np.any(cond): R[cond] = 0 # If the result is a number and the user asks for it, return a float if out_number and R.size == 1: R = R[0] # Reshape if neccessary R = reshape([R], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = 'The retardance of {} is (deg.):'.format( PrintParam(param=R / degrees, shape=self.parent.shape, title='Retardance (deg.)', heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return R
[docs] def global_phase(self, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """Calculates the phase of J00 (which is the reference for global phase in py_pol model). Parameters: out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: (numpy.ndarray) [0, 2*pi]: Global phase. """ # Calculate phase J00, _, _, _ = self.components(out_number=out_number, shape=False) phase = np.angle(J00) % (2 * np.pi) # #If J00 is zero, extract the global phase of J11 element # if not phase.all(): # _, _, _, J11 = self.components(out_number=out_number, shape=False) # phase = np.angle(J11) % (2 * np.pi) # Reshape if neccessary phase = reshape([phase], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = 'The global phase of {} is (deg.):'.format( PrintParam(param=phase / degrees, shape=self.parent.shape, title='Global phase (deg.)', heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return phase
[docs] def transmissions(self, kind='INTENSITY', out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """Calculate the maximum and minimum transmitance of an optical element. References: Handbook of Optics vol 2. 22.32 (eq.38) Parameters: kind (str): There are three options, FIELD, INTENSITY or ALL. Defaut: 'INTENSITY' out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: T_max (numpy.ndarray): Maximum intensity transmission. T_min (numpy.ndarray): Minimum intensity transmission. p1 (numpy.ndarray): Maximum field transmission. p2 (numpy.ndarray): Minimum field transmission. """ # Calculate the needed values norm2 = self.norm(out_number=out_number, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like)**2 det = self.det(out_number=out_number, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like) # Calculate transmissions arg = norm2**2 - 4 * np.abs(det)**2 if arg.any() > -1e-10: arg = np.abs(arg) T_max = (norm2 + np.sqrt(arg)) / 2 T_min = (norm2 - np.sqrt(arg)) / 2 if kind.upper() in ('FIELD', 'ALL'): p1 = np.sqrt(T_max) p2 = np.sqrt(T_min) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: # Intensity if kind.upper() in ('INTENSITY', 'ALL'): heading = 'The intensity transmissions of {} are:'.format( PrintParam(param=(T_max, T_min), shape=self.parent.shape, title=('Maximum (int.)', 'Minimum (int.)'), heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) # Field if kind.upper() in ('FIELD', 'ALL'): heading = 'The field transmissions of {} are:'.format( PrintParam(param=(p1, p2), shape=self.parent.shape, title=('Maximum (int.)', 'Minimum (int.)'), heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) # Return ret = [] if kind.upper() in ('INTENSITY', 'ALL'): ret += [T_max, T_min] if kind.upper() in ('FIELD', 'ALL'): ret += [p1, p2] return ret
[docs] def mean_transmission(self, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """Calculate the mean intensity transmitance of an optical element. References: Handbook of Optics vol 2. 22.32 (eq.38) Parameters: out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: (numpy.ndarray) [0, 1]: Result """ # Calculate the maximum and minimum transmissions T_max, T_min = self.transmissions(out_number=out_number, shape_like=shape_like, shape=shape) T = (T_max - T_min) / 2 # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: # Eigenvalues heading = 'The mean transmission of {} is:'.format( PrintParam(param=T, shape=self.parent.shape, title=('Mean trans.'), heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return T
[docs] def eig(self, as_objects=False, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """ Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the Jones object. Parameters: as_objects (bool): If True, the eigenvectors are extracted as py_pol objects. Default: False. out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): if True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: v1 (numpy.ndarray or float): First eigenvalue. v2 (numpy.ndarray or float): Second eigenvalue. e1 (numpy.ndarray or Jones_vector): First eigenstate. e2 (numpy.ndarray or Jones_vector): Second eigenstate. TODO: Maybe give values and states together as a matrix """ # Differenciate between conjugate symmetric matrices to assure real eigenvalues and orthogonal eigenvectors. cond = self.parent.checks.is_conjugate_symmetric(out_number=False, shape=False) # Calculate the eigenstates M = np.moveaxis(self.parent.M, -1, 0) val, vect = np.linalg.eig(M) if np.any(cond): val2, vect2 = np.linalg.eigh(M) # Order the values in the py_pol way v1, v2 = (val[:, 0], val[:, 1]) e1 = np.array([vect[:, 0, 0], vect[:, 1, 0]]) e2 = np.array([vect[:, 0, 1], vect[:, 1, 1]]) if np.any(cond): v1[cond], v2[cond] = (val2[cond, 0], val2[cond, 1]) e1[0, cond] = vect2[cond, 0, 0] e1[1, cond] = vect2[cond, 1, 0] e2[0, cond] = vect2[cond, 0, 1] e2[1, cond] = vect2[cond, 1, 1] if v1.size == 1 and v1.ndim > 1: v1, v2 = (v1[0], v2[0]) # Size 1 objects need some care if out_number and v1.size == 1: v1, v2 = (v1[0], v2[0]) if ~out_number and v1.size == 1: v1, v2 = (np.array([v1]), np.array([v2])) # Reshape if neccessary v1, v2 = reshape([v1, v2], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) e1x, e1y = (e1[0, :], e1[1, :]) e2x, e2y = (e2[0, :], e2[1, :]) e1x, e1y, e2x, e2y = reshape([e1x, e1y, e2x, e2y], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) new_shape = [2] + list(e1x.shape) if len(new_shape) > 2: e1 = np.reshape(e1, new_shape) e2 = np.reshape(e2, new_shape) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: # Eigenvalues heading = 'The eigenvalues of {} are:'.format( PrintParam(param=(v1, v2), shape=self.parent.shape, title=('v1', 'v2'), heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) # Eigenvectors heading = 'The eigenvectors of {} are:'.format( PrintParam(param=(e1x, e1y, e2x, e2y), shape=self.parent.shape, title=('e1x', 'e1y', 'e2x', 'e2y'), heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) # Return if as_objects: E1 = Jones_vector( + ' e1') E1.from_matrix(e1, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like) E2 = Jones_vector( + ' e2') E2.from_matrix(e2, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like) else: E1, E2 = (e1, e2) return v1, v2, E1, E2
[docs] def eigenvectors(self, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """ Calculates the eigenvectors of the Jones object. Parameters: shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: e1 (numpy.ndarray): 2xN first eigenvectors matrix. e2 (numpy.ndarray): 2xN second eigenvectors matrix. """ # Calculate _, _, e1, e2 = self.eig(as_objects=True, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: # Eigenvectors heading = 'The eigenvectors of {} are:'.format( e1x, e1y = (e1[0, :], e1[1, :]) e2x, e2y = (e2[0, :], e2[1, :]) e1x, e1y, e2x, e2y = reshape([e1x, e1y, e2x, e2y], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) PrintParam(param=(e1x, e1y, e2x, e2y), shape=self.parent.shape, title=('e1x', 'e1y', 'e2x', 'e2y'), heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return e1, e2
[docs] def eigenstates(self, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """ Calculates the eigenstates of the Jones object. Very similar to eigenvectors, but the output are Jones_vector objects. Parameters: shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): if True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: e1 (Jones_vector): First eigenstate. e2 (Jones_vector): Second eigenstate. """ # Calculate _, _, E1, E2 = self.eig(as_objects=True) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: # Eigenvectors heading = 'The eigenvectors of {} are:'.format( e1x, e1y = (E1.M[0, :], E1.M[1, :]) e2x, e2y = (E2.M[0, :], E2.M[1, :]) e1x, e1y, e2x, e2y = reshape([e1x, e1y, e2x, e2y], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) PrintParam(param=(e1x, e1y, e2x, e2y), shape=self.parent.shape, title=('e1x', 'e1y', 'e2x', 'e2y'), heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return E1, E2
[docs] def eigenvalues(self, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """ Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the Jones object. Parameters: out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: v1 (numpy.ndarray or float): First eigenvalue. v2 (numpy.ndarray or float): Second eigenvalue. """ # Differenciate between conjugate symmetric matrices to assure real eigenvalues and orthogonal eigenvectors. cond = self.parent.checks.is_conjugate_symmetric(out_number=False, shape=False) # Calculate the eigenstates M = np.moveaxis(self.parent.M, -1, 0) val = np.linalg.eigvals(M) if np.any(cond): val2 = np.linalg.eigvalsh(M) # Order the values in the py_pol way v1, v2 = (val[:, 0], val[:, 1]) if np.any(cond): v1[cond], v2[cond] = (val2[cond, 0], val2[cond, 1]) if v1.size == 1 and v1.ndim > 1: v1, v2 = (v1[0], v2[0]) # Size 1 objects need some care if out_number and v1.size == 1: v1, v2 = (v1[0], v2[0]) if ~out_number and v1.size == 1: v1, v2 = (np.array([v1]), np.array([v2])) # Reshape if neccessary v1, v2 = reshape([v1, v2], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: # Eigenvalues heading = 'The eigenvalues of {} are:'.format( PrintParam(param=(v1, v2), shape=self.parent.shape, title=('v1', 'v2'), heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return v1, v2
[docs] def det(self, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """ Calculates the determinants of the Jones matrices. Parameters: out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: (numpy.ndarray, float or complex): Result. """ # Calculate the eigenstates M = np.moveaxis(self.parent.M, -1, 0) det = np.linalg.det(M) # If the result is a number and the user asks for it, return a float if out_number and det.size == 1: det = det[0] # Reshape if neccessary det = reshape([det], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = 'The determinant of {} is:'.format( PrintParam(param=det, shape=self.parent.shape, title='Determinant', heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return det
[docs] def trace(self, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """ Calculates the trace of the Jones matrices. Parameters: out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: (numpy.ndarray, float or complex): Result. """ # Calculate the eigenstates trace = np.trace(self.parent.M) # If the result is a number and the user asks for it, return a float if out_number and trace.size == 1: trace = trace[0] # Reshape if neccessary trace = reshape([trace], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = 'The trace of {} is:'.format( PrintParam(param=trace, shape=self.parent.shape, title='Trace', heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return trace
[docs] def norm(self, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """ Calculates the Frobenius norm of the Jones matrices. Parameters: out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: (numpy.ndarray, float or complex): Result. """ # Calculate the eigenstates norm = np.linalg.norm(self.parent.M, axis=(0, 1)) # If the result is a number and the user asks for it, return a float if out_number and norm.size == 1: norm = norm[0] # Reshape if neccessary norm = reshape([norm], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = 'The norm of {} is:'.format( PrintParam(param=norm, shape=self.parent.shape, title='Norm', heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return norm
################################################################################ # Checks ################################################################################
[docs] class Checks_Jones_Matrix(object): """Class for Jones matrix checks. Parameters: self.parent (Jones_matrix): Parent object. """ def __init__(self, Jones_matrix): self.parent = Jones_matrix def __repr__(self): """Print all parameters.""" self.get_all(verbose=True, draw=True) return ''
[docs] def get_all(self, verbose=False, draw=False): """Creates a dictionary with all the parameters of Jones Matrix. Parameters: verbose (bool): If True, print all parameters. Default: False. draw (bool): If True, draw all plots/images of the parameters. Default: False. Returns: (dict): Dictionary with parameters of Jones Matrix. """ dict_params = {} dict_params['is_physical'] = self.is_physical(verbose=verbose, draw=draw) dict_params['is_homogeneous'] = self.is_homogeneous( verbose=verbose, draw=draw) dict_params['is_retarder'] = self.is_retarder(verbose=verbose, draw=draw) dict_params['is_diattenuator'] = self.is_diattenuator( verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return dict_params
[docs] def is_physical(self, all_info=False, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """ Verifies that a Jones matrix is physically realizable. Take into account that amplifiers are not included in this category. References: R. Martinez-Herrero, P.M. Mejias, G.Piquero "Characterization of partially polarized light fields" Springer series in Optical sciences (2009) ISBN 978-3-642-01326-3, page 3, eqs. 1.4a and 1.4b. Parameters: all_info (bool): If True, the method returns the information regarding each condition separately. Default: False. out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: (numpy.ndarray or bool): Result. """ # Calculate M = np.moveaxis(self.parent.M, -1, 0) # H = np.transpose(self.parent.M).conjugate() det1 = np.linalg.det(M) # trace1 = np.trace(M * H, axis1=1, axis2=2) J00, J01, J10, J11 = self.parent.parameters.components(shape=False) trace1 = np.abs(J00)**2 + np.abs(J01)**2 + np.abs(J10)**2 + np.abs( J11)**2 condition1 = np.abs(det1) <= 1 # eq. 1.4a condition2 = (trace1 >= 0) * (trace1 <= 2) cond = condition1 * condition2 # Reshape if required if all_info: condition1, condition2 = reshape([condition1, condition2], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) else: cond = reshape([cond], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = '{} is physically realizable:'.format( if all_info: PrintParam(param=(condition1, condition2), shape=self.parent.shape, title=('Determinant cond.', 'Trace cond.'), heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) else: PrintParam(param=(cond), shape=self.parent.shape, title=('Physical'), heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) # Return if all_info: return condition1, condition2 else: return cond
[docs] def is_homogeneous(self, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """ Determines if matrix is homogeneous (the two eigenstates are orthogonal) or not. References: "Homogeneous and inhomogeneous Jones matrices", S.Y. Lu and R.A. Chipman, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 11, No. 2 pp. 766 (1994) Parameters: out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: (numpy.ndarray or bool): Result. """ # Calculate the inhomogeneity parameter eta = self.parent.parameters.inhomogeneity(out_number=out_number) cond = eta < tol_default**2 # Reshape if neccessary cond = reshape([cond], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = '{} is homogeneous:'.format( PrintParam(param=cond, shape=self.parent.shape, title='Homogeneous', heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return cond
[docs] def is_retarder(self, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """ Determines if matrix is an homogeneous retarder. The condition is that the Jones matrix must be unitary ($$J^{\dagger}=J^{-1}$$). References: "Polarized light and the Mueller Matrix approach", J. J. Gil, pp 123. Parameters: out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: (numpy.ndarray or bool): Result. """ #Remove global_phase before checking if it is a polarizer obj = self.parent.remove_global_phase(keep=True) # Calculate the hermitian conjugate H = obj.hermitian(keep=True) # Check if it is the inverse matrix H = H * obj I = Jones_matrix() I.vacuum(length=H.size) dif = H - I dif = dif.parameters.norm(out_number=out_number, shape=False) cond = dif < tol_default # Reshape if neccessary cond = reshape([cond], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=obj) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = '{} is an homogeneous retarder:'.format( PrintParam(param=cond, shape=obj.shape, title='Retarder', heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return cond
[docs] def is_diattenuator(self, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """ Determines if matrix is an homogeneous diattenuator. The condition is that the Jones matrix must be hermitian ($$J^{\dagger}=J$$). References: "Polarized light and the Mueller Matrix approach", J. J. Gil, pp 123. Parameters: out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: (numpy.ndarray or bool): Result. """ # Calculate the hermitian conjugate H = self.parent.hermitian(keep=True) # Check if it is the inverse matrix dif = H - self.parent dif = dif.parameters.norm(out_number=out_number, shape=False) cond = dif < tol_default # Reshape if neccessary cond = reshape([cond], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = '{} is an homogeneous diattenuator:'.format( PrintParam(param=cond, shape=self.parent.shape, title='Diattenuator', heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return cond
[docs] def is_polarizer(self, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """ Determines if matrix is an homogeneous polarizer. In Jones formalism, there is no difference between homogeneous diattenuators and polarizers. Parameters: out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: (numpy.ndarray or bool): Result. """ #Remove global_phase before checking if it is a polarizer obj = self.parent.remove_global_phase(keep=True) # Calculate if it is a diattenuator cond = obj.checks.is_diattenuator(out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None) # Reshape if neccessary cond = reshape([cond], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=obj) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = '{} is an homogeneous polarizer:'.format( PrintParam(param=cond, shape=obj.shape, title='Polarizer', heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return cond
[docs] def is_symmetric(self, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """ Determines if the object matrix is symmetric (i.e. $$J = J^T$$). Parameters: out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: (numpy.ndarray or bool): Result. """ # Calculate the matrix components _, J01, J10, _ = self.parent.parameters.components(out_number=False, shape=False) # See if J01 is equal to J10 cond = np.abs(J01 - J10) < tol_default**2 # Reshape if neccessary cond = reshape([cond], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = '{} is symmetric:'.format( PrintParam(param=cond, shape=self.parent.shape, title='Symmetric', heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return cond
[docs] def is_conjugate_symmetric(self, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """ Determines if the object matrix is conjugate symmetric (i.e. $$J = J^{\dagger}$$). Parameters: out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: (numpy.ndarray or bool): Result. """ # Calculate the matrix components J00, J01, J10, J11 = self.parent.parameters.components( out_number=False, shape=False) # See if J01 is equal to J10 cond1 = np.abs(J01 - np.conj(J10)) < tol_default**2 cond2 = np.abs(J00 - np.conj(J00)) < tol_default**2 cond3 = np.abs(J11 - np.conj(J11)) < tol_default**2 cond = cond1 * cond2 * cond3 # Reshape if neccessary cond = reshape([cond], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = '{} is symmetric:'.format( PrintParam(param=cond, shape=self.parent.shape, title='Symmetric', heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return cond
[docs] def is_eigenstate(self, S, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """ Determines if the vector S is an eigenstate of the object. Parameters: S (Stokes or Jones_vector): State to test. out_number (bool): if True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): if True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: (numpy.ndarray or bool): Result. """ # Multiply Sout = self.parent * S # Check if S and Sout are proportional prop = Sout.M[0,:] / S.M[0,:] cond1 = np.abs(Sout.M[1,:] / S.M[1,:] - prop) < tol_default if Sout.type == "Stokes": cond2 = np.abs(Sout.M[2,:] / S.M[2,:] - prop) < tol_default cond3 = np.abs(Sout.M[3,:] / S.M[3,:] - prop) < tol_default cond = cond1 * cond2 * cond3 else: cond = cond1 # Reshape if neccessary cond = reshape([cond], shape_like=shape_like, shape_fun=shape, obj=self.parent) # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: heading = '{} is an eigenstate of {}:'.format(, PrintParam(param=cond, shape=self.parent.shape, title='Eigenstate', heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return cond
###################################################################### # Checks ######################################################################
[docs] class Analysis_Jones_Matrix(object): """Class for Jones matrix analysis. Parameters: self.parent (Jones_matrix): Parent object. """ def __init__(self, Jones_matrix): self.parent = Jones_matrix
[docs] def decompose_pure(self, decomposition='RP', all_info=False, out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False, transmissions='ALL', angles="ALL"): """Polar decomposition of a pure Mueller matrix in a retarder and a diattenuator. References: "Homogeneous and inhomogeneous Jones matrices", S.Y. Lu and R.A. Chipman, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 11, No. 2 pp. 766 (1994) Parameters: decomposition (string): string with the order of the elements: retarder (R) or diattenuator/polarizer (D or P). all_info (bool): If True, the method returns the information regarding each condition separately. Default: False. out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. transmissions (string): Determines the type of transmission output, FIELD, INTENSITY or ALL. Default: ALL. angles (string): Determines the type of angles output, CHARAC (characteristic angles), AZIMUTH (azimuth and ellipticity) or ALL. Default: ALL. Returns: Jr (Jones_matrix): Jones matrix object of the retarder. Jd (Jones_matrix): Jones matrix object of the diattenuator. dict_param (dictionary): Dictionary with the 9 parameters (7 independent) of both the retarder and the diattenuator (only if all_info = True). """ # Calculate the matrix Jh * J Jh = self.parent.hermitian(keep=True) J = Jh * self.parent # Extract eigenvalues and eigenvectors v1, v2, e1, e2 = J.parameters.eig(shape=False, out_number=False) # Calculate the auxiliar eigenvectors J00, J01, J10, J11 = self.parent.parameters.components( shape=False, out_number=False) e3 = np.array( [J00 * e1[0, :] + J01 * e1[1, :], J10 * e1[0, :] + J11 * e1[1, :]]) e4 = np.array( [J00 * e2[0, :] + J01 * e2[1, :], J10 * e2[0, :] + J11 * e2[1, :]]) n3 = np.linalg.norm(e3, axis=0) n4 = np.linalg.norm(e4, axis=0) # Norm fix if not n3.all(): n3 = 1 elif not n4.all(): n4 = 1 # Normalize eigenvectors e3 = e3 / n3 e4 = e4 / n4 # Calculate the auxiliar matrices J1, J2, J3, J4 = create_Jones_matrices(('J1', 'J2', 'J3', 'J4')) if decomposition[0] in ('r', 'R'): J1.from_components( (np.abs(e1[0, :])**2, e1[0, :] * np.conj(e1[1, :]), e1[1, :] * np.conj(e1[0, :]), np.abs(e1[1, :])**2)) J2.from_components( (np.abs(e2[0, :])**2, e2[0, :] * np.conj(e2[1, :]), e2[1, :] * np.conj(e2[0, :]), np.abs(e2[1, :])**2)) else: J1.from_components( (np.abs(e3[0, :])**2, e3[0, :] * np.conj(e3[1, :]), e3[1, :] * np.conj(e3[0, :]), np.abs(e3[1, :])**2)) J2.from_components( (np.abs(e4[0, :])**2, e4[0, :] * np.conj(e4[1, :]), e4[1, :] * np.conj(e4[0, :]), np.abs(e4[1, :])**2)) J3.from_components( (e3[0, :] * np.conj(e1[0, :]), e3[0, :] * np.conj(e1[1, :]), e3[1, :] * np.conj(e1[0, :]), e3[1, :] * np.conj(e1[1, :]))) J4.from_components( (e4[0, :] * np.conj(e2[0, :]), e4[0, :] * np.conj(e2[1, :]), e4[1, :] * np.conj(e2[0, :]), e4[1, :] * np.conj(e2[1, :]))) # Calculate the matrices of the retarder and the diattenuator Jd = np.sqrt(v1) * J1 + np.sqrt(v2) * J2 Jr = J3 + J4 # Update shapes Jr.shape, _ = select_shape(self.parent, shape_fun=shape, shape_like=shape_like) Jd.shape, _ = (Jr.shape, Jr.ndim) # Fix names if change_names: = + ' Diattenuator' = + ' Retarder' else: = = # Calculate error if decomposition[0] in ('r', 'R'): J = Jr * Jd else: J = Jd * Jr J = J - self.parent error = J.parameters.norm(shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like) # Print the result if required if all_info or verbose or draw: if verbose or draw: print("\n------------------------------------------------------") print('Polar decomposition of {} as M = {}.'.format(, decomposition)) # Diattenuator trans, ang = Jd.analysis.diattenuator(transmissions=transmissions, angles=angles, out_number=out_number, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) # Retarder R, ang2 = Jr.analysis.retarder(angles=angles, out_number=out_number, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) # Error if verbose or draw: heading = '{} decomposition mean square error:'.format( PrintParam(param=[error], shape=self.parent.shape, title=['MSE'], heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) # Extract info from matrices if all_info: parameters = {} parameters['error'] = error # Diattenuator if transmissions.upper() == 'FIELD': parameters['p1'], parameters['p2'] = trans elif transmissions.upper() == 'INTENSITY': parameters['Tmax'], parameters['Tmin'] = trans else: parameters['Tmax'], parameters['Tmin'], parameters[ 'p1'], parameters['p2'] = trans if angles.upper() == 'CHARAC': parameters['alpha D'], parameters['delay D'] = ang elif angles.upper() == 'ALL': parameters['alpha D'], parameters['delay D'], parameters[ 'azimuth D'], parameters['ellipticity D'] = ang else: parameters['azimuth D'], parameters['ellipticity D'] = ang # Retarder parameters['R'] = R if angles.upper() == 'CHARAC': parameters['alpha R'], parameters['delay R'] = ang2 elif angles.upper() == 'ALL': parameters['alpha R'], parameters['delay R'], parameters[ 'azimuth R'], parameters['ellipticity R'] = ang2 else: parameters['azimuth R'], parameters['ellipticity R'] = ang2 # Return if all_info: return Jr, Jd, parameters else: return Jr, Jd
[docs] def diattenuator(self, transmissions='ALL', angles="ALL", out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """Analyzes the properties of the optical objects as a diattenuator. Parameters: transmissions (string): Determines the type of transmission output, FIELD, INTENSITY or ALL. Default: ALL. angles (string): Determines the type of angles output, CHARAC (characteristic angles), AZIMUTH (azimuth and ellipticity) or ALL. Default: ALL. out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: trans (list): List including Tmax, Tmin, p1 and p2 (wich appear only if requested). state (list): List with alpha, delay, azimuth and ellipticity of the transmission state (wich appear only if requested). """ # Calculate transmissions trans = self.parent.parameters.transmissions(kind=transmissions, out_number=out_number, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like) # Calculate the eigenstates _, E1 = self.parent.parameters.eigenstates(shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like) = # Calculate the parameters of the eigenstates ang, title_ang = ([], []) if angles in ('ALL', 'All', 'all', 'CHARAC', 'Charac', 'charac'): alpha, delay = E1.parameters.charac_angles(out_number=out_number, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like) ang += [alpha, delay] title_ang += ['Alpha', 'Delay'] if angles in ('ALL', 'All', 'all', 'AZIMUTH', 'Azimuth', 'azimuth'): az, el = E1.parameters.azimuth_ellipticity(out_number=out_number, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like) ang += [az, el] title_ang += ['Azimuth', 'Ellipticity angle'] # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: # Transform angles to degrees for representation angles_rep = [] for a in ang: angles_rep.append(a / degrees) if transmissions in ('INTENSITY', 'Intensity', 'intensity'): title_trans = ['Max. transmission', 'Min. transmission'] elif transmissions in ('FIELD', 'Field', 'field'): title_trans = ['p1', 'p2'] else: title_trans = [ 'Max. transmission', 'Min. transmission', 'p1', 'p2' ] print('\nAnalysis of {} as polarizer:\n'.format( heading = '- Transmissions of {} are:'.format( PrintParam(param=trans, shape=self.parent.shape, title=title_trans, heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) heading = '- Angles of {} are:'.format( PrintParam(param=angles_rep, shape=self.parent.shape, title=title_ang, heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) return trans, ang
[docs] def polarizer(self, transmissions='ALL', angles="ALL", out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """Analyzes the properties of the optical objects as a polarizer. In Jones formalism, this is the same as analyzing the element as a diattenuator. Parameters: transmissions (string): Determines the type of transmission output, FIELD, INTENSITY or ALL. Default: ALL. angles (string): Determines the type of angles output, CHARAC (characteristic angles), AZIMUTH (azimuth and ellipticity) or ALL. Default: ALL. out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: trans (list): List including Tmax, Tmin, p1 and p2 (wich appear only if requested). state (list): List with alpha, delay, azimuth and ellipticity of the transmission state (wich appear only if requested). """ return self.diattenuator(self, transmissions='ALL', angles="ALL", out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False)
[docs] def retarder(self, angles="ALL", out_number=True, shape_like=None, shape=None, verbose=False, draw=False): """Analyzes the properties of the optical objects as a retarder. Parameters: angles (string): Determines the type of angles output, CHARAC (characteristic angles), AZIMUTH (azimuth and ellipticity) or ALL. Default: ALL. out_number (bool): If True and the result is a 1x1 array, return a number instead. Default: True. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. verbose (bool): If True prints the parameter. Default: False. draw (bool): If True and the object is a 1D or 2D, plot it. Default: False. Returns: trans (list): List including Tmax, Tmin, p1 and p2 (wich appear only if requested). state (list): List with alpha, delay, azimuth and ellipticity of the transmission state (wich appear only if requested). """ # Calculate retardance R = self.parent.parameters.retardance(out_number=out_number, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like) # Calculate the components comp = self.parent.parameters.components(shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like) phase_01 = np.angle(comp[1]) phase_10 = np.angle(comp[2]) # Fix numerical error of arcsin. arg = np.abs(comp[1]) / np.sin(R / 2) cond = np.arcsin(arg) > 1 if np.any(~cond): arg[~cond] = 1 # Calculate the angles alpha = 0.5 * np.arcsin(arg) gp = (phase_10 + phase_01 - np.pi)/ 2 delay = (phase_10 - phase_01) / 2 # Correct delayP cond = (gp < -np.pi / 2) + (gp > np.pi / 2) if np.any(cond): delay[cond] = delay[cond] - np.pi delay = put_in_limits(delay, 'delay') # Correct alpha # aux1 = comp[0] * np.exp(-1j * gp) # aux2 = np.cos(alpha)**2 * np.exp( # 1j * R / 2) + np.sin(alpha)**2 * np.exp(-1j * R / 2) # aux1 = np.abs(aux1 - aux2) # cond = (aux1 > tol_default) * (aux1 < np.pi / 2) # if np.any(cond): # alpha[cond] = np.pi / 2 - alpha[cond] Jaux = Jones_matrix() Jaux.retarder_charac_angles(R=R, alpha=np.pi / 2 - alpha, delay=delay) dif = self.parent - Jaux cond = dif.parameters.norm() < tol_default if np.any(cond): alpha[cond] = np.pi / 2 - alpha[cond] # Calculate the parameters of the eigenstates title_ang, ang = ([], []) if angles in ('ALL', 'All', 'all', 'CHARAC', 'Charac', 'charac'): ang += [alpha, delay] title_ang += ['Alpha', 'Delay'] if angles in ('ALL', 'All', 'all', 'AZIMUTH', 'Azimuth', 'azimuth'): az, el = charac_angles_2_azimuth_elipt(alpha, delay) ang += [az, el] title_ang += ['Azimuth', 'Ellipticity'] # Print the result if required if verbose or draw: # Transform angles to degrees for representation angles_rep = [] for a in ang: angles_rep.append(a / degrees) print('\nAnalysis of {} as retarder:\n'.format( heading = '- Retardance of {} is:'.format( PrintParam(param=(R / degrees), shape=self.parent.shape, title=('Retardance'), heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) heading = '- Angles of {} are:'.format( PrintParam(param=angles_rep, shape=self.parent.shape, title=title_ang, heading=heading, verbose=verbose, draw=draw) # Return return R, ang