Source code for py_pol.py_pol

# !/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ------------------------------------
# Authors:    Luis Miguel Sanchez Brea and Jesus del Hoyo
# Date:       2019/01/09 (version 1.0)
# License:    GPL
# -------------------------------------
This is the file with the base classes all py_pol main classes will inherit from. They will have some basic methods common to all classes. These classes is not intended to use except for inheritance.

**Class fields**
    * **M**: Array containing the physical information of the object.
    * **name**: Name of the object for print purposes.
    * **shape**: Shape desired for the outputs.
    * **size**: Number of stores Jones vectors.
    * **type**: Type of the object. This is used for determining the object class as using isinstance may throw unexpected results in .ipynb files.

**Manipulation methods**
    * **clear**:  Removes data and name form Jones vector.
    * **copy**:  Creates a copy of the Jones_vector object.
    * **stretch**:  Stretches a Jones vector of size 1.
    * **shape_like**:  Takes the shape of another object to use as its own.
    * **reshape**: Changes the shape of the object.
    * **flatten**:  Transforms N-D objects into 1-D objects (0-D if only 1 element).
    * **flip**: Flips the object along some dimensions.
    * **get_list**: Creates a list with single elements.
    * **from_list**: Creates the object from a list of single elements.
    * **concatenate**: Canocatenates several objects into a single one.
    * **draw**: Draws the components of the object.
    * **clear**: Clears the information of the object.

from copy import deepcopy

from . import np, degrees, shapes, sizes


global options
options = {}
options["change_names"] = False
options["keep"] = False

[docs] def get_options(): """TODO""" return options
[docs] def set_option(key, value): """TODO""" options[key] = value
############################ ## CLASSES ###########################
[docs] class Py_pol(object): """Basic class where all py_pol main classes will inherit from.""" ####################### ## RESERVED METHODS ####################### def __init__(self, name="", _class="Py_pol"): """Triggers during the Stokes inicialization.. Parameters: name (string): Name of the object for representation purposes. Default: "". Returns: (Py_pol): """ self._type = _class = name self.M = np.zeros(shapes[_class] + [1]) self.shape = None def __iter__(self): """Call to iterator class.""" return Py_pol_Iterator(self) def __len__(self): """ Gives the size of the object. """ return self.size ######################## ## PROPERTIES ####################### @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self._name = str(value) @property def type(self): return self._type # @type.setter # def type(self, value): # raise ValueError("This prop") @property def M(self): return self._M @M.setter def M(self, value): # Safety checks if self.type in ("Jones_vector", "Stokes") and value.ndim != 2: if value.ndim == 1 and value.size == sizes[self.type]: value = np.reshape(value, shapes[self.type]) else: raise ValueError("M must be a matrix of 2 dimensions ({} used)".format(value.ndim)) elif self.type in ("Jones_matrix", "Mueller") and value.ndim != 3: if value.ndim == 2 and value.size == sizes[self.type]: value = np.reshape(value, shapes[self.type]) else: raise ValueError("M must be a matrix of 3 dimensions ({} used)".format(value.ndim)) if self.type == "Jones_vector" and value.shape[0] != 2: raise ValueError("Jones_vector M must be of shape 2xN ({} used)".format(value.shape)) elif self.type == "Stokes" and value.shape[0] != 4: raise ValueError("Stokes M must be of shape 4xN ({} used)".format(value.shape)) elif self.type == "Jones_matrix" and (value.shape[0] != 2 or value.shape[1] != 2): raise ValueError("Jones_matrix M must be of shape 2x2xN ({} used)".format(value.shape)) elif self.type == "Mueller" and (value.shape[0] != 4 or value.shape[1] != 4): raise ValueError("Mueller M must be of shape 4x4xN ({} used)".format(value.shape)) # Store old shapein case it could be used try: old_shape = self._shape old_size = self._size except: old_shape = None old_size = 0 # Set values if self.type in ("Jones_vector", "Jones_matrix"): self._M = np.array(value, dtype=complex) else: self._M = value self._size = value.shape[-1] if self.size == old_size: self.shape = old_shape else: self.shape = [self.size] # self._ndim = 1 @property def size(self): return self._size # @size.setter # def size(self, value): # N = self.M.shape[-1] # if value != N: # raise ValueError("Size {} different than number of elements {}".format(value, N)) # self._size = value @property def shape(self): return self._shape @shape.setter def shape(self, value): if value is None: self._shape = [self.size] self._ndim = 0 else: N = if N != self.size: raise ValueError("Shape {} can't be applied to object of size {}.".format(value, self.size)) self._shape = list(value) if self.size <=1: self._ndim = 0 else: self._ndim = len(value) @property def ndim(self): return self._ndim # @ndim.setter # def ndim(self, value): # if self.size == 1 or self.shape is None: # self._ndim = 0 # else: # N = len(self.shape) # if value != N: # raise ValueError("Dimension {} different than corresponding to shape {}".format(value, self.shape)) # self._ndim = value ################### ## MANIPULATION ###################
[docs] def get_list(self, out_number=True, shape_vectors=True): """Returns a list of np.ndarrays. Each array is a vector or matrix corresponding with one element or light source. Parameters: out_number (bool): if True and the object is size 1, return an array instead of a list. Default: True. shape_vectors (bool): If True and the object is Jones_vector or Stokes, the output arrays will have dimension 2x1 and 4x1 instead 2 and 4 respectively. Default: True. Returns: (numpy.ndarray or list): Created object. """ # Calculate array shape shape = shapes[self.type] if shape_vectors and self.type in ("Jones_vector", "Stokes"): shape = shape + [1] # Make the list list = [] components = self.parameters.components(shape=False, out_number=False) for indL in range(self.size): a = np.zeros(sizes[self.type], dtype=self.M.dtype) for indA, comp in enumerate(components): a[indA] = comp[indL] list.append(np.resize(a, shape)) # Return if out_number and self.size == 1: list = list[0] return list
[docs] def from_list(self, l, shape_like=None, shape=None): """Create a Py_pol object from a list of numpy arrays of the correct size. Parameters: l (list): list of np.ndarrays, lists, tuples or Py_pol objects. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. Returns: (Py_pol): Created object. """ Saux = self.copy() for ind, elem in enumerate(l): # Get the data in an ordered way from any shape if isinstance(elem, (np.ndarray, tuple, list)): Saux.from_matrix(elem) elif self.type == elem.type: Saux = elem else: raise ValueError("New element of type {} can't be added to an object of type {}.".format(elem.type, self.type)) # Concatenate if ind == 0: M = Saux.M else: M = np.hstack((M, Saux.M)) # # Preallocate memory # if isinstance(l[0], (np.ndarray, tuple, list)): # M = np.array(l[0]) # if M.ndim == 1: # M = M.reshape((M.size, 1)) # else: # M = l[0].M # # Fill it # for elem in l[1:]: # if isinstance(elem, (np.ndarray, tuple, list)): # Maux = np.array(elem) # if Maux.ndim == 1: # Maux = Maux.reshape((Maux.size, 1)) # M = np.hstack((M, Maux)) # elif self.type == elem.type: # M = np.hstack((M, elem.M)) # else: # raise ValueError("New element of type {} can't be added to an object of type {}.".format(elem.type, self.type)) # Update self.from_matrix(M, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like) return self
[docs] def concatenate(self, objs, shape_like=None, shape=None, keep=False, change_name=options["change_names"]): """Create a Py_pol object from an iterable of Py_pol objects. Parameters: objs (iterable): iterable of Py_pol objects. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. keep (bool): if True, the original element is not updated. Default: False. change_name (bool): If True, changes the object name adding Recip. of at the beggining of the name. Default: True. Returns: (Py_pol): Created object. """ # Act differently if we want to keep self intact if keep: new_obj = self.copy() else: new_obj = self # Preallocate M = new_obj.M axis = 1 if new_obj.type in ("Jones_vector", "Stokes") else 2 # Concatenate for elem in objs: # Safety check if elem.type != new_obj.type: raise ValueError("Object {} is type {} instead of {}.".format(, elem.type, new_obj.type)) # Get data M = np.concatenate((M, elem.M), axis=axis) # Create new_obj.from_matrix(M, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like) return new_obj
[docs] def flip(self, axis=None, keep=options["keep"], change_name=options["change_names"]): """Flips the order of the elements stored in the object. Parameters: axis (int, list or tuple): Axes along which the flip is performed. If None, the object is flipped as flattened. Default: None. keep (bool): if True, the original element is not updated. Default: False. change_name (bool): If True, changes the object name adding Recip. of at the beggining of the name. Default: True. Returns: (Jones_vector): Modified object. """ # Act differently if we want to keep self intact if keep: new_obj = self.copy() else: new_obj = self # Simple case if axis is None or new_obj.ndim <= 1: new_list = new_obj.get_list(out_number=False) new_list.reverse() new_obj.from_list(new_list) else: # Divide in components components = new_obj.parameters.components() # Flip each one individually for ind in range(len(components)): components[ind] = np.flip(components[ind], axis=axis) # Use them to create the new object new_obj.from_components(components) # End operations if change_name: = 'Flip of ' + new_obj.shape = self.shape return new_obj
[docs] def stretch(self, length, keep=options["keep"]): """Function that stretches an object with a single element to have a higher number of equal elements. Parameters: length (int): Number of elements. keep (bool): If True, self is not updated. Default: False. Returns: (Jones_vector): Recalculated Jones vector. """ # Act differently if we want to keep self intact if keep: new_obj = self.copy() else: new_obj = self # Act only if neccessary if new_obj.size == 1 and length > 1: # Get components components = new_obj.parameters.components(out_number=True) for ind in range(len(components)): components[ind] = components[ind] * np.ones(length) # Use them to create the new object if new_obj._type in ("Stokes", "Mueller"): new_obj.from_components(components, global_phase=new_obj.parameters.global_phase()) else: new_obj.from_components(components) # Return return new_obj
[docs] def copy(self, N=1): """Creates a copy of the object. Parameters: N (int): Number of copies. Default: 1. Returns: (Py_pol): Copied object. """ if N <= 1: return deepcopy(self) else: E = [] for ind in range(N): E.append(deepcopy(self)) return E
[docs] def reshape(self, shape): """Changes the shape of the object. Parameter: shape (tuple, list or 1-D np.ndarray): New shape. """ self.shape = shape return self
[docs] def shape_like(self, obj): """Takes the shape of another object. Parameter: obj (Py_pol or nd.array): Object to take the shape. """ # Check that the new shape can be used if obj.shape is not None: if != self.size: raise ValueError( 'The number of elements of {} and object are not the same'. format( self.shape = obj.shape return self
[docs] def flatten(self, keep=False): """Method that flattens the objcet (transforms N-D objects in 1D objects if N>=1). Parameters: keep (bool): If True, self is not updated. Default: False. Returns: (Py_pol): Flattened object. """ # Act differently if we want to keep self intact if keep: new_obj = self.copy() else: new_obj = self # Flatten new_obj.shape = [new_obj.size] return new_obj
[docs] def draw(self, verbose=True, shape_like=None, shape=None,kind='jones'): """Draw the components of the object. This is a wrap of parameters.components. Parameters: verbose (bool): if True prints the parameter. Default: False. shape_like (numpy.ndarray or py_pol object): Use the shape of this object. Default: None. shape (tuple or list): If no shape_like array is given, use this shape instead. Default: None. """ self.parameters.components(draw=True, verbose=verbose, shape=shape, shape_like=shape_like,kind=kind)
[docs] def clear(self): """Removes data and name form the object. """ self.__init__(
[docs] class Py_pol_Iterator: """Iterator of the Py_pol classes.""" def __init__(self, object): """Inicialize the instance.""" self._object = object self._index = 0 def __next__(self): """Returns the next value of the iteration.""" # Calculate length if self._object.shape is None: length = self._object.size else: length = self._object.shape[0] # Pick the result if self._index >= length: raise StopIteration else: self._index += 1 return self._object[self._index-1,...]